Note: if you’re looking for a book title that starts with “a,” “an,” or “the,” search by the next word in the title.
The Adam Quest, by Tim Stafford (profiles of scientists, views on creation)
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, by Eric Metaxas (biography)
Champlain’s Dream, by David Hackett Fischer (biography)
Christmas with Hot Apple Cider, a Christmas anthology
Hot Apple Cider, edited by N.J. Lindquist and Wendy Elaine Nelles (anthology)
InScribed, from InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship (anthology)
Living Beyond My Circumstances, by Deborah L. Willows and Steph Beth Nickel (memoir, paralympics, Cerebral Palsy)
Love Triangles: Discovering Jesus the Jew in Today’s Israel, by Bobbie Ann Cole (memoir, travelogue, Bible teaching)
Northern Lights, edited by Byron Rempel-Burkholder, Dora Dueck, and Doug Koop (anthology)
Once We Were Strangers: What Friendship with a Syrian Refugee Taught Me About Loving My Neighbour, by Shawn Smucker (memoir, life story, friendship)
The Pregnant Pause of Grief, by Brenda J. Wood (memoir, grief)
Risking Rest, by Carolyn J. Watts (memoir, spiritual growth)
The Tender Heart of a Beast, by Michael Bull Roberts (autobiography)
Touched by Eternity, by Susan Harris (memoir, Near Death Experiences, angels, Heaven)
When the Bough Breaks, by Bobbi Junior (memoir, grief, loss of baby)
Wing Over Wing, by Julie Cadwallader Staub (poetry, vignettes)
YesterCanada, by Elma Schemenauer (Canadian history, anecdotes)