Note: if you’re looking for a book title that starts with “a,” “an,” or “the,” search by the next word in the title.
Abundant Rain, by Marcia Lee Laycock (devotionals, inspiration for writers)
The Art and Craft of Writing Christian Fiction, by Jeff Gerke (writing how-to)
As the Ink Flows, a devotional collection for writers (devotionals, inspiration for writers)
Craft, Cost, and Call, by Patricia Paddey and Karen Stiller (writing how-to)
Creating Character Arcs, by K.M. Weiland (writing fiction)
Duke the Chihuahua Writes! by Donna Dawson (writing how-to)
Fiction 101, by Randy Ingermanson (writing how-to)
How to Market a Book: Overperform in a Crowded Market, by Ricardo Fayet (marketing how-to)
How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy, by Orson Scott Card (writing how-to)
Make Love, Make War, by Brian Doerksen (Christian living, includes songwriting tips)
Scrivener for Dummies, by Gwen Hernandez (how to use this writing software)
Unleash the Writer Within, by Cecil Murphey (writing – motivation/ encouragement)
Writing the Heart of Your Story, by C.S. Lakin (writing how-to)
You Are a Writer, by Jeff Goins (writing – motivation/ encouragement)