Category Archives: Christian Living

Much-Needed Rest (Guest Post)

Much-Needed Rest

by Steph Beth Nickel

Last month, I shared some of my favourite podcasts and audiobook providers. But even the best of these can become little more than noise in this world of overstimulation. And coming out of the holiday season, rest—and quiet—may be exactly what you need.

Although quiet and rest are not the same, they are related. While being quiet doesn’t guarantee we will be at rest, it is difficult to truly rest and recharge without at least some periods of quiet. (Note: quietness isn’t necessarily the same as silence. For instance, you can go for a quiet walk surrounded by the sounds of nature.)

Dave Nickel at the Fairy Bridges in Ireland
Photo Credit: Steph Beth Nickel

Saundra Dalton Smith, MD, identifies seven types of rest each of us needs, many of which we give little to no thought. In her book Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity, the author examines the following types of rest: Physical Rest, Mental Rest, Emotional Rest, Spiritual Rest, Social Rest, Sensory Rest, and Creative Rest.

Depending on the audiobook I’m listening to or the podcast I have playing, I may be able to rest in one or more of these ways. However, there are times quiet is the best option. While I can fall asleep listening to a TV show, podcast, or audiobook (thank goodness for the snooze feature!), allowing myself to drift off without this type of auditory input can make for a more restful sleep.

Listening to anything that gets my mind racing is obviously not providing the mental or emotional rest I need. There are things that do, however. For example, I enjoy using Emily P. Freeman’s Quiet Collection and the One Minute Pause apps to wind down and “be present.”

While there are numerous auditory resources that help us develop our spiritual life, it’s important to enjoy the presence of the promised Comforter, the Holy Spirit, and listen to what He is teaching us through what we’ve read, heard, and experienced. It’s easier to do this if we regularly take time to be quiet.

And now we come to social rest. I can almost hear all the introverts out there cheering, but we extroverts may have a tough time with this one. I like listening to podcasts not only because of the subject matter but also because I enjoy the pseudo connection I’ve made with my favourite podcasters. I have to remind myself that I don’t always need someone to keep me company.

While sensory rest seems self-explanatory, we may need to remind ourselves of its importance, especially when we encounter resistance—external or internal.

And last, the author of Sacred Rest examines creative rest. She refers to a friend who rests by pulling out her art supplies and creating a painting. While the very thought of doing so may cause us anxiety, there is likely something creative each of us finds restful.

How about you? Do you enjoy sitting down at the piano and playing your favourite song? Grabbing your camera and going for a photo walk? Baking a batch of cookies? Art journalling? Writing a poem?

As we enter the new year, let’s commit to stepping back from the noise and embracing the rest we need.

How are you going to do so?

Photo credit: Jaime Mellor Photography

As an editor, Steph Beth Nickel has the honour of coming alongside writers to help them polish their work. As the coauthor of Paralympian Deb Willows’s memoirs, Steph has been blessed to work with this amazing woman. And as a future self-published author, with the Lord’s help, Steph has taken brave steps toward publication.

If you would like more information about her services, you can contact her at

You’re invited to visit her website:

You can join her Editing Tips Facebook group here:

A Christmas Blessing

And his name will be the hope of all the world.
Matthew 12:21, NLT*

Think about this verse. Isn’t it beautiful? Doesn’t it cause a quiet peace to well up inside? His Name—Jesus—will be the hope of the whole world.

In your busyness and life circumstances, good or bad…

In your relationships, sweet or strained…

I pray you’ll sense His nearness, His gentle hand cradling you, and His love lighting your heart. Because of Jesus, we have hope.

May your Christmas season bring at least one new treasured memory, and may you be blessed to be a blessing.

[This post was originally published as the Foreword in my December daily devotional book, Tenacity at Christmas.]

*Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Be Careful Little Ears (Guest Post)

Image by AS Photograpy from Pixabay

Be Careful, Little Ears

by Steph Beth Nickel

Those of us of a certain age will likely remember the old Sunday School song encouraging us to be mindful of what we focus on and what we listen to. The importance of doing so has never been more vital, considering the multiple avenues through which our senses are bombarded these days.

This month, I’m going to share some of my favourite podcasts, a couple of my favourite audiobook providers, and two apps that I use virtually every day in my devotional time. I’m also going to touch on why it’s crucial to “turn off the noise” from time to time and calm my squirrel brain. Hopefully, these will be helpful to you as well.

First, Audiobooks

Like many people, I signed up for Audible way back when and, for the most part, used my monthly credits for lengthy books. My search for more economical options, led me to Chirp Books and then Kobo Plus from Rakuten Kobo. As a result of discovering audiobooks, I have spent a plethora of hours consuming books even when my eyes were too tired to focus and my brain too scattered to concentrate without the auditory input.

And speaking of auditory input . . .

There has been an explosion of podcasts and apps in recent years. Below are some of my favourites in various categories:


  • She Reads Truth (SRT) with co-hosts Raechel Myers and Amanda Bible Williams, a podcast which corresponds to the Bible reading plans SRT publishes. Even though I don’t purchase the corresponding materials, I get a lot out of this weekly podcast.
  • A good friend of mine and I have been going through several of the reading plans on the You Version app over the last number of months. I find them great springboards for deeper study on a variety of topics.
  • I also use the ESV app five or more days a week. I appreciate the dimension the narrator adds to my Bible reading. (It’s best if I follow along so I don’t get distracted. Me and my squirrel brain.)

Skills Development

  • The Creative Penn with Joanna Penn, a podcast on writing, self-publishing, and related topics.
  • The Modern Editor Podcast with Tara Whitaker, a podcast with lots of tips for 21st century freelance editors.
  • Writing at the Red House with Kathi Lipp, a podcast in which Kathi and her guests discuss the many facets of being a traditionally published nonfiction author. (Kathi and her guests also touch on fiction writing and self-publishing from time to time.)


  • Grit ’n’ Grace with Cheri Gregory, a podcast about approaching life as a highly sensitive person, an HSP. This podcast is excellent for Christian woman who are HSPs and for those who know someone who is an HSP.
  • The Lazy Genius with Kendra Adachi, a podcast about “being a genius about things that matter and lazy about things that don’t.” Note: Listeners are encouraged to decide for themselves what’s important to them. No cookie cutter approach here.
  • The Next Right Thing with Emily P. Freeman, a faith-based podcast about determining and taking the next right step in the various areas of our life. (I use the guided journal by the same name.)

Still . . .

It’s important to “unplug” periodically.

Here are three reasons I find it important to regularly be quiet:

  • We can soak in the sounds of nature instead of what’s playing on our earbuds.
  • We’re able to think more deeply about what we’re learning and what’s important to us if we’re not going from one thing to the next to the next.
  • When we’re quiet, we have the opportunity to listen for God’s still, small voice.

In December we’ll examine the connection between quiet and rest, something most of us will likely need after the busyness of the Christmas season.

Photo credit: Jaime Mellor Photography

As an editor, Steph Beth Nickel has the honour of coming alongside writers to help them polish their work. As the coauthor of Paralympian Deb Willows’s memoirs, Steph has been blessed to work with this amazing woman. And as a future self-published author, with the Lord’s help, Steph has taken brave steps toward publication.

If you would like more information about her services, you can contact her at

You’re invited to visit her website:

You can join her Editing Tips Facebook group here:

Review: God Has a Name, by John Mark Comer

Book cover: black with book title and author name in white text.

God Has a Name, by John Mark Comer (Zondervan, 2017)

Why is it important to know that God has a name other than “God”? That He revealed His name to Moses and to the people He had chosen?

Lots of people talk about God… with lots of variations on who they think He is. So His name, as revealed in the Bible, tells us who we’re talking about. So to quote the prologue, “The question at the heart of this book [is]: Who is God?” And the answer is important, because the prologue also asserts that “We become like what we worship.”

So this is a book for Christians (others are welcome too) where we can check our ideas about God against what He says about Himself, with a view to learning to follow in His ways. There’s a lot of misinformation about God floating loose in society, and we’re not immune to absorbing some of it. That’s why we need books like this one.

In six chapters, God Has a Name dives deep (yet accessibly) into the text of Exodus 34:4-7, where God told Moses His name: Yahweh, often rendered in our Bibles as “The LORD.”

Lest that sound heavy or dry, let me say I love the friendly, conversational tone. This is not your great-grandparents’ stilted theology text. It’s deeply researched, drawing from many contemporary and long-past writers, and the occasional Hebrew word does pop up, but I found the delivery refreshing.

We can (and should) read this Bible passage on our own, prayerfully spending regular time in the Scriptures. There’s much more to it than I’ve ever dug up on my own, though, and I’m grateful for John Mark Comer’s teaching on it.

Each chapter begins with a portion of the passage. The pattern is to: 1) explore the original language, 2) look at where the passage shows up elsewhere in the Bible (it’s quoted or referenced so many times!), 3) look at how Jesus reveals this Exodus-Named God in the New Testament, and 4) “think about what who God is means for who we are” (prologue) and how that might reshape us.

I found this book invigorating, and I definitely need to read it again. Highly recommended! You can read the first chapter online here. Or for a taste of the full contents, check out the author’s God Has a Name sermon series at Bridgetown Church, Oregon. Just click the name of each installment to listen.

New York Times bestselling author John Mark Comer is currently based in Los Angeles, working with Practicing the Way (check the site for spiritual formation resources). To learn more about the author and his ministry, visit Scroll down far enough, and you’ll find various podcast options as well as his books.

[Review copy from the public library via Hoopla Digital.]

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The Making of an Ordinary Saint, by Nathan Foster

Book cover: a mountain behind the title, caution tape through the title, and the subtitle "My journey from frustration to joy with the spiritual disciplines" stretches along a road toward the mountaintop.

The Making of an Ordinary Saint, by Nathan Foster (Baker Books, 2014)

If you’re looking for an instructional book on practicing the spiritual disciplines, this isn’t it. But if you’re looking for a memoir of an ordinary layperson trying to get closer to his God and grow in his faith, The Making of an Ordinary Saint is a good choice.

It’s a candid look at one man’s search to follow the spiritual practices modelled by Jesus and in so doing to lose the frustration that seems to be taking over his life.

Each chapter shares his attempts to focus on a different discipline, introduced by a brief explanation of that discipline. He’s honest about the struggles, the failures, the benefits, and the costs. He also includes a few “interlude” chapters warning of potential hazards. (Hazards to spiritual disciplines? Oh, yes. For example, can you say “pride”?)

Subtitled “My journey from frustration to joy with the spiritual disciplines,” this book includes a foreword and reflections by Richard J. Foster, author of Celebration of Discipline (and father of Nathan Foster).

I found the original Celebration of Discipline inspiring. Truth told: Most of what I read remained head knowledge instead of moving into my daily walk with the Lord. That’s not the book’s fault, and now that the spiritual disciplines are again on my mind I hope to be more intentional about them.

I was slow to engage with this book because the author’s frustration came through so clearly that I started feeling it too. Negative emotions transfer too easily. But his story drew me in, and his journey reminded me of the hope the disciplines offer of closeness with God.

This is not a book that will leave “regular” readers feeling they’ll never measure up. But it gives glimpses of reward that make the cost well worth paying.

One of the things Nathan Foster learned, something I think so many of us need to internalize, is this:

“… a clear and deep knowing of God’s love for me has been the key remedy I needed to untangle many of the problems I faced. …I have come to believe that God’s love is the central message of Christianity, that living the kingdom life must be born out of an active response to a deep knowing of one’s place as a much-loved daughter or son of the Author of Life.” (p. 66)

I’m grateful for the chance to read The Making of an Ordinary Saint, and I highly recommend it to anyone desiring a closer relationship with God. We would do well to follow it up with Celebration of Discipline and with some of the resources at Practicing the Way, the ministry related to the book by John Mark Comer. (I’ve only listened to some of their material to date and haven’t yet read the book. What I’m hearing is resonating.)

Nathan Foster is an author, professor, and the host of Life With God: A Renovaré Podcast.

[Review copy from my household library.]

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Review: Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools, by Tyler Staton

Book cover. Hand-drawn illustration of hands clasped in prayer. Title: Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools, by Tyler Staton.

Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools: An Invitation to the Wonder and Mystery of Prayer, by Tyler Staton

Do you love to pray? Avoid it? Flat-out think it’s pointless? Wherever you are on the spectrum, this book’s for you.

I love this invitation in the introduction:

Most of us get about knee-deep in the Christian life, discover that the water feels fine, and stop there. We never swim in the depths of the divine intimacy Jesus won for us. This book is an invitation to swim. [Kobo version, introduction, page 5 of 7]

In an accessible, nonthreatening (and non-judging) manner, author and pastor Tyler Staton acknowledges the many questions we have about prayer and shares stories of both victory and disappointment.

Drawing from the Bible and from a wealth of diverse sources past and present and across denominations, chapters explore ten basic aspects of prayer, inviting readers to begin where we are and to grow from there. Each chapter closes with a simple and practical application exercise, making it clear that there’s no fast track to mature prayer. It’s very much a process and well worth working through the exercises.

Readers are encouraged to learn stillness before God, leading to adoration and worship and confession. We’re challenged to grow in intercession and petition, and to persist in what can seem like a long silence. (A note on stillness: Chapter 2 does an incisive job of unmasking the cost of the hurried lifestyle that has a hold on so many of us.)

Burned by past experiences that have left scars? Chapter 9 invites us to “Hold your deep question before God, inviting him to bring healing. …It is through this process that you will discover the faith to ask again…” [Kobo version, page 26 of 26]

Ultimately, the book invites us to make prayer a daily part of our lives, both our own spontaneous prayers and also the prayers of the psalms, the Lord’s Prayer, and more. The intent is to use the words and phrases to shape and direct our prayers rather than simple repetition. (See also my review of Praying the Bible, by Donald S. Whitney, which expands on this method. Note, I think Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools is the richer of these two resources, yet both are valuable.)

My only negative with this book comes in the epilogue with the description of King David entering Jerusalem as king, bringing the Ark of the Covenant in the procession on a cart. In 2 Samuel 5:6 – 6:19, we read a different story. The takeaway from the illustration still applies.

I highly recommend Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools for anyone with even a passing interest in prayer. If you can, get a print copy so you can mark it up. I have the ebook (highlighted in many places) and have also listened to the audiobook (read by the author himself, which is always a plus). Although it reads like a letter, it has the depth of a textbook and one pass wasn’t enough. I expect to read it again.

For more about author/pastor Tyler Staton and his ministry, visit If you’re curious about the book, check out the Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools Podcast (introduction + 7 episodes). I see there’s also a short video series, Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools: One Year Later, and a video study guide.

[Review copy from my personal library.]

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Review: Abiding in Christ, by Andrew Murray

Book cover: Grapevine, leaves, grapes. Abiding in Christ, a classic devotional for today's reader, by Andrew Murray.

Abiding in Christ, by Andrew Murray (Updated edition. Bethany House, 2003)

This year, when I sensed God’s nudge to focus on the word “abide,” I searched out resources on the topic. This straightforward devotional classic from Andrew Murray has been a liberating source of hope.

What can I say in a review without trying to summarize all of Andrew Murray’s teaching?

First: He takes the pressure off. Yes, believers need to do our part and keep turning to God and choosing to abide in Christ. Yet despite our limitations we can believe it’s possible—not through human strength but because it’s God’s invitation – instruction – command in the first place. It’s the Father who metaphorically “grafts us into the Vine” who is Jesus, with the Holy Spirit as our nourishment.

So, whether I feel it or not in a given moment doesn’t change the fact that on God’s end it’s a done deal. I can rest in that and keep turning back to Him.

The other key point I remember is the challenge to abide fully in Christ—which means not also abiding in self.

Beyond that, I recommend you go read the book! A digital version is available through the Hoopla app, if your public library has that service. But a print copy is inexpensive and a valuable resource for any Christian.

I like the updated language, although I’m surprised the revisions didn’t convert the original use of “he” for “the believer” to something more inclusive. The book was published in 1895, at which point “he” was the catch-all for male/female/unknown. I hope this won’t be a barrier for younger readers.

Andrew Murray (Wikipedia link) was a South African pastor, teacher, and writer. His books are considered classics by many Christians and are often quoted in more current works on Christian living.

[Review copy from my personal library.]

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Awesome Opportunities (Guest Post)

Awesome Opportunities

By Steph Beth Nickel

A couple of weeks ago, I was approached by one of the teachers who attends our church. Her goal? To see if I would be willing to speak to her Gr. 7/8 class about publishing a book—since one of their current assignments is to write books for the Kindergarten students.

I was over the moon!

Because she offered me an entire period (or two), I decided to walk the students through the entire process and called it “From Book Idea to Bookstore.”

When I sent Paula the outline, she was thrilled. <happy dance>

Was I looking for opportunities to speak? Nope! (Although I do love speaking to groups about things I’m passionate about.)

Did God open doors because of who I am, where I attend church, and what I do? He did.

And He can do the same for you. Isn’t that incredible?

Before we accept an opportunity, it’s important to ask ourselves a series of questions—even when our first impulse is to jump up and down (possibly metaphorically) and say, “Yes. Yes! YES!”

Here are six questions we can ask ourselves when it comes to discerning if the time is right to say yes to an opportunity that comes our way:

  1. Do I have time to take this on and do it well? Do I REALLY have the time?
  2. Why am I considering taking on this new opportunity? Is it something that excites me? Do I feel called to say yes? Am I doing it because I’m flattered to have been asked? (If your answer to the third option is “yeah, I think that’s it,” know that it’s okay to simply say, “Thank you so much for asking, but I’m unable to take on this task.” If you believe this is the right answer for you, be willing to respectfully but confidently stand your ground.)
  3. What am I willing to set aside in order to take on this opportunity? (Sleep, regular physical activity, time with family and friends, etc. are not likely what we should set aside—at least not for any significant length of time.)
  4. Will my other responsibilities suffer?
  5. Will the excitement wear off and leave me feeling overwhelmed? (Even though I love to spin “all the plates,” recent feelings of overwhelm have me examining what I will be setting aside and what I will be continuing to do in the days ahead.)
  6. Before giving my answer, have I prayed about it and sought wise counsel from someone I trust?

There are far more questions you could ask yourself before taking on a new opportunity, and I’d love to hear some of yours.

But . . .

When that awesome opportunity comes your way that you’re fairly certain / absolutely certain you should say yes to . . .


Photo credit: Jaime Mellor Photography

As an editor, Steph Beth Nickel has the honour of coming alongside writers to help them polish their work. As the coauthor of Paralympian Deb Willows’s memoirs, Steph has been blessed to work with this amazing woman. And as a future self-published author, with the Lord’s help, Steph has taken brave steps toward publication.

If you would like more information about her services, you can contact her at

You’re invited to visit her website:

You can join her Editing Tips Facebook group here:

Creating White Space (Guest Post)

Open day planner with red ribbon marker and fountain pen.
Image by Sophie Janotta from Pixabay

Creating White Space

by Steph Beth Nickel

How do you feel when you open a book and see a solid page of text with virtually no white space?

More importantly…

How do you feel when you open your schedule and see virtually no white space?

Do you feel overwhelmed just thinking about it?

What can you do to overcome the overwhelm and avoid burnout?

Here are eight suggestions:

  1. As a Christian, prayer is always the best place to begin.
  2. Divide your To-Do List into three categories. The three I use are Yes!, Maybe, and Would Be Nice. Be careful how many things you list in your Yes! column. I would highly recommend adding Downtime (in ink) to your Yes! column every day. Go for a walk. Read a book. Listen to a podcast. Don’t let things you’ve always wanted to do end up in the Would Be Nice column week after week.
  3. Take a look at your Procrastination List. Offload any of the responsibilities you can’t realistically accomplish in the near future. Add (and complete) at least one remaining item to each week’s schedule until the list is cleared. When I cross something off my Procrastination List, it feels as rewarding as crossing ten things off my everyday list and energizes me to get back to the day-to-day.
  4. When creating your To-Do List, be honest about your strengths and weaknesses. For example, if you have the luxury of creating your own schedule and you have more energy in the morning, complete the tasks that require extra energy and brain power before lunch whenever possible.
  5. Remember that no is not a bad word. We’ve all been in situations when someone asked us to do something that would only take an hour or two, but it felt like the proverbial straw that would break the camel’s back. It’s okay to decline. I know this is true, but I’m still learning to apply said truth.
  6. When asked to take on a responsibility that you would really like to accept, ask yourself what you can remove from your schedule instead of trying to shoehorn in the new task.
  7. Make use of the Auto Responder on your email and let people know that you will be incommunicado when you’re on vacation. Resist the temptation to check in. True Confession: While I love making IRL (in real life) connections, my phone has become this extravert’s connection to the outside world, and I have to be extremely disciplined when it comes to setting it aside.
  8. As you get older, it will likely become evident that you can’t accomplish everything you dream of. While this can be discouraging, it can also help us determine our highest priorities and create a To-Do List that mainly includes those things we would regret not accomplishing. For example, those dishes really can wait until morning. Playing a game with your family, meeting an old friend for coffee, or sitting down to work on that book you want to publish are likely more important.

Create white space in your schedule—and guard it diligently.

Take it from someone who, for the most part, loves to spin “all the plates”…

Sometimes it’s best to tuck the majority of those plates in the cupboard—at least for now.

Photo credit: Jaime Mellor Photography

As an editor, Steph Beth Nickel has the honour of coming alongside writers to help them polish their work. As the coauthor of Paralympian Deb Willows’s memoirs, Steph has been blessed to work with this amazing woman. And as a future self-published author, with the Lord’s help, Steph has taken brave steps toward publication.

If you would like more information about her services, you can contact her at

You’re invited to visit her website:

You can join her Editing Tips Facebook group here:

Stepping Back (Guest Post)

Pink blossoms on a tree, in front of a white house.
Photo credit: Steph Beth Nickel

Stepping Back

by Steph Beth Nickel

Good Friday … the perfect day to step back from the everyday.

Not simply a day off work, but a day to focus once again on what the Lord did for us approximately 2,000 years ago.

As Christians, this reality is the basis for all we believe. For all we do. At least it should be.

While attending a Good Friday service and fellowshipping at a church potluck may be on our agenda, more importantly, this is the perfect day to practice some less common Christian disciplines. Not that potlucks are a Christian discipline, but you know what I mean.

It’s a perfect day to explore silence.

Excuse me for a few moments while I “preach” to myself.

Between my To-Do lists, social media, audiobooks, podcasts, TV shows, etc., etc., etc., I rarely experience silence / stillness of any kind. And most of that is my own doing.

Today, I may do one or more of the following. Perhaps you’d like to do the same.

1. Set aside my To-Do lists. Those everyday tasks can wait.

2. Go for a walk on my own and listen to the sounds of creation. No earbuds allowed.

3. Take my camera along on my walk and snap pics of the beauty all around me, evidence of God’s creativity and so many other aspects of His character.

4. Ramble until I stumble upon truth in my journal. I haven’t done this in a very long time.

5. Meditate on God’s Word by leaning back, opening the One-Minute Pause app, closing my eyes, and drinking in the recorded truths.

6. Read a chapter in Emily P. Freeman’s How to Walk into a Room and listen to one or more corresponding blessings available on the Quiet Collection app.

7. Memorize one of more Bible verses that pertain to this pivotal weekend.

8. Fill our home with praise and worship music. Thank you, Prime Music.

Which of these inspire you to step back from your everyday?

Which ideas would you add to the list?

Photo credit: Jaime Mellor Photography

As an editor, Steph Beth Nickel has the honour of coming alongside writers to help them polish their work. As the coauthor of Paralympian Deb Willows’s memoirs, Steph has been blessed to work with this amazing woman. And as a future self-published author, with the Lord’s help, Steph has taken brave steps toward publication.

If you would like more information about her services, you can contact her at

You’re invited to visit her website:

You can join her Editing Tips Facebook group here: