Category Archives: Heaven’s Prey

99-cent Ebook preorder!

99-cent Ebook preorder! And not for the book you were expecting!

I don’t do 99-cent preorders anymore.

So why am I doing one for this book?

And what book is it, if it’s not the next Green Dory Inn mystery?

Announcing the Expanded Anniversary Edition of Heaven’s Prey,
now with 6 new chapters + prologue.

Expanded Anniversary Edition of Heaven's Prey preorder sale: ebook 99 cents. Ends Nov. 1/23.

So, why 99 cents? I hope many of my followers have read the earlier version. Why should I ask you to pay full price for a story when you know how it turns out?

For that matter, why suggest you buy it at all? 

How about those 6 extra chapters I mentioned? Plus the prologue.

If you’ve been with me awhile, you may have noticed my books combine mystery/suspense with a strong serving of Christian women’s fiction. It took time for me to discern the pattern, and by then Heaven’s Prey was already out there in the world. It’s not completely lacking in that aspect, but I had cut out the first part of Ruth’s story before submitting it to the publisher.

Last year, I reread the book. Reached the end, and started asking, “What about this part? Or this one? I didn’t see them anywhere.” And I realized they deepen who Ruth is. And they match my pattern of blending the mystery/suspense with Christian women’s fiction.

They also give readers the opportunity to walk with a Christian who’s grieving. Who’s angry. Whose faith shakes but ultimately stands. 

You know what? That’s me some days. And I suspect it’s you too. So let’s start the story with “everyday” Ruth. Before she becomes the prayer warrior God sends like Ezekiel to call a wicked man to repentance. 

May we never encounter a person with this depth of evil. And yet, may we trust our God and rely on His faithfulness to carry us through whatever paths He brings us into.

If Heaven’s Prey is new to you, be aware the subject matter is darker and more intense than my later books and comes with a content warning. The villain is a serial rapist-murderer. Not a nice man. But he’s a soul in need of salvation.

Not for you? I get it. I couldn’t read something like this if I hadn’t written it (because I know what does and doesn’t happen). Even so, it took a long time to write because I’d tiptoe through scenes and have to go back and deepen them. 

If you can, please pick up a copy and consider leaving a review to raise visibility. If you can’t, please share with any friends who read darker fiction.

The print book will release later in November, but the ebook 99-cent preorder sale ends November 1. The buy links are collected here:

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Heaven’s Prey 99-cent Ebook Sale

Readers in Canada and the US can get a digital copy of Heaven’s Prey (Redemption’s Edge # 1) from December 9-13, 2021. Buy yours here:

Readers in other countries, I’m sorry this is geographically limited. I was unable to set up other sale pricing with one of the vendors. Will figure something out for next time!

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99-cent Ebooks While We’re Self-isolating

I hope you’re doing okay in these uncertain days. The most important things we can do are to pray for one another (and for our leaders!) and to care for one another in whatever way we can.

One small thing I can do is to reduce the price of my ebooks — people who are spending more time at home need distractions from the never-ending news loops. Books are great for that, and books that remind us of God’s care are extra-valuable now. Many Christian authors I know have been able to reduce their prices, and we all seem to be saying “it doesn’t seem like much, but it’s something I can do.”

So for the rest of March and into April, each of my ebooks will be 99 cents worldwide.

For convenience, the buy links on my Books2Read page should lead to the appropriate country for Kindle, Kobo, Nook, and Apple. Link:

This applies for the three Redemption’s Edge novels (suspense/romantic suspense), the two Green Dory Inn Mysteries, and my daily devotional book. Feel fee to share this offer with your reading friends.

International Women’s Day

Fiction-lovers, celebrate International Women’s Day with some strong female characters.

"Strong women. Extraordinary circumstances. Faith-filled fiction." 
Available in print and for Apple, Kindle, Kobo, and Nook.

Ruth: the prayer warrior abducted by a serial killer. (Heaven’s Prey)

Carol: the single mother targeted by a drug lord. (Secrets and Lies)

Amy: the plane crash survivor who suspects sabotage. (Without Proof)

Then there’s Landon: the young woman with a traumatic past, trying to solve the mysterious happenings at the Green Dory Inn. (Unknown Enemy)

I know there’s way more to International Women’s Day than reading fiction. But sometimes other women’s courage can inspire us… even if they’re fictional.

Five Years Ago

What happened on November 1, 2013?

Well… plenty of things. What am I celebrating today?

Cake with candle and caption: celebrate!

Photo credit: Janet Sketchley

Five years ago on November 1, 2013, also known as All Saints Day, my first novel, Heaven’s Prey, released. Since the heroine, Ruth, is an ordinary Christian woman in extraordinarily bad circumstances and since small “s” saint includes any of us ordinary folk who follow God I thought it was an appropriate choice.

To celebrate, the ebook version of Heaven’s Prey is discounted to 99 cents until Nov. 5, 2018. If you haven’t read it, give it a try unless you find the subject matter too disturbing. And please, tell your friends.

Heaven's Prey, Redemption's Edge Book 1. Ebook only 99 cents until Nov. 5/18.

Click for buy links.

Want to help spread the word? Share this post, or tweet one of the following.

The prayer warrior and the serial killer: Get the HEAVEN’S PREY ebook for #99cents until Nov. 5/18. #Christianfiction #suspense (click to tweet)

Would you pray for a dangerous offender? HEAVEN’S PREY by @JanetSketchley
#Ebook just #99cents until Nov. 5/18. #Christianfiction (click to tweet)

A grieving woman. A dangerous offender. A God who cares. HEAVEN’S PREY.
#Ebook just #99cents until Nov. 5/18. #Christianfiction (click to tweet)

40% off Ebooks: Christian Suspense

Use promo code 40AUG for 40% off Heaven's Prey and Secrets and Lies at - ends Aug 27/18.


Use promo code 40AUG for 40% off Heaven’s Prey and Secrets and Lies at – ends Aug 27/18.

No Kobo? No problem. Their reading app is a free download, and new customers get $5 off their first order. That means you can grab these two books for pennies.

Why Write Fiction? + Giveaway

Just a quick note to let you know I’m guest posting at the Dare to Bloom site, and giving away an ebook copy of Heaven’s Prey. Come join the conversation about why we write — and/or read — fiction. Click here: Why Write Fiction? (Giveaway ends July 26, 2017, and is of course void where prohibited by law.)