Come to the Green Dory Inn for the mysteries.
Stay for the characters.
Book 4, Deadly Burden, short-listed for The Word Awards
Guest posts, interviews and news (newest first):
- Deadly Burden is short-listed for The Word Awards. Winners will be announced September 14, 2023.
- Catch this comprehensive (and positive!) review of the first 4 Green Dory Inn Mysteries at Reading is My Superpower.
- Bitter Truth is short-listed for The Word Awards in the mystery/suspense category! If you haven’t read it and want to check it out, click here.
- Bitter Truth received second place in the Angel Book Awards (mystery/suspense category)! Here’s the link to the announcement post.
- Q&A at Faith Today: Three quick questions about fiction and fencing lessons.
- Interview at By the Book: On when I first started writing, early encouragers, why mystery/suspense, and what I hope readers will take away from my books.
- Book showcase at Books for Book Lovers: Bitter Truth.
- Interview at Friends of the Prophets: On writing heroes, Bitter Truth, writing in Canada, and Christian nonfiction.
- Interview at Write Now Editing: On traditional and/or independent publishing, hints for new writers, am I a plotter or pantser, and more.
- Interview at Reading is My SuperPower: On keeping track of what we read, reading and writing, and other fun stuff.
- Interview at A Christian Writer’s World: What spiritual themes do I like to write about? What encouragement do I have for authors seeking publication?
- Guest post at Patti’s Porch: This is the Lord’s Battle (a Christmas devotional).
- Interview at The Suspense Zone: What did I enjoy most/least about writing Hidden Secrets, what’s it’s theme, and more. What does my writing space look like?
- Guest post at International Christian Fiction Writers: Survivors and Overcomers–In Fiction and in Real Life.
- Guest post at International Christian Fiction Writers: going “on location” to Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, researching the setting for my Green Dory Inn mysteries.
- Guest post at Seriously Write… about those moments when writers are tempted to quit.
- Guest post at Cleo Lampas’s blog, talking about quilting… and Christian suspense.
- Interview in Sara L. Foust’s Spring Suspense series: Why do I write suspense? What’s my favourite movie?
- Interview at Polilla Writes: What’s been the most fun to write? And what’s coming next?
- Interview at the Arts Connection.
- Guest post at Gail Kittleson’s site: Why Write Fiction?
- Guest post at Janice L. Dick’s site: Unfailing (Unlimited) Love.
- Guest post at The Chronicle Herald’s Valley Harvester: What it Means to be a Hero.
- Interview at The Romantic Side of Suspense: Have I ever regretted killing off a character? How do I connect with them, and why do I leave out the swear words?
- Guest post at InScribe Writers Online: Small Steps Add Up. How do we get ready to seize opportunities when they come?
- Guest post at InScribe Writers Online: My Corner of the Vineyard. What opportunities does God give to serve Him in my writing?
- Interview at Kathy Ide’s site. What are some treasured moments to do with writing? What Bible story do I wish had a different ending?
- Guest post at the Castle Gate Press blog: The Wonder of Flying. What I loved about writing the flight scene in Without Proof.
- Recipe (yes, really!) at Country at Heart Recipes. How does oatmeal brown bread relate to Without Proof?
- Interview at Christian Authors. What has kept me writing? What would I say to aspiring writers?
- Interview at Deborah M. Piccurelli’s blog. What was the hardest part about writing Without Proof? Who helped? What was the most fun?
- Interview at The Suspense Zone. What’s the silliest thing I’ve ever done?
- Guest post at International Christian Fiction Writers: Familiar and Unfamiliar Settings.
- Interview at A Christian Writer’s World. Has writing changed my reading habits? And how do I choose my settings?
- Interview at New Novel News. What’s my favourite place I’ve travelled to?
- Interview at Ruth L. Snyder‘s blog. What would I like printed on my tombstone?
- Interview at WritersOnReading. What do I like to read? What would Ruth from Heaven’s Prey read?
- Interview at Patricia Bradley‘s blog. What does my writing journey look like?
- Guest post “Don’t Annoy the Novelist,” at James Callan’s The Author’s Blog.
- Secrets and Lies was a finalist in the Word Awards (suspense category). Blind Trust, by Sandra Orchard, was the suspense winner. (View the winners’ list here.)
- Interview about Secrets and Lies at Suspense Sisters.
- Guest post “The Long and Winding (Writing) Road” at The Borrowed Book.
- Guest post “Deconstructing Anxiety” at The Borrowed Book.
- HopeStreamRadio interview.
- How do writers bond with their characters? Read my guest post, “Caring for Fictional Characters,” my guest-post at International Christian Fiction Writers.
- Reader question for Tony from Heaven’s Prey: have you been able to forgive your wife’s abductor? link: After Heaven’s Prey
- Steph Beth Nickel interviews me at Steph Nickel’s Eclectic Interests… we talk about writing, reading and sheep.
- Paula Vince interviews Paul, Carol’s teen son from Secrets and Lies. I love character interviews! Visit The Vince Review.
- Renee Blare interviews me at the Coffee Corner. What’s next in the series? And how has writing it changed me?
- Anita Mae Draper interviews me at Fiction Finder: Why did I choose Calgary and Toronto for settings? Do my musical tastes match Carol’s?
- Jeff Reynolds interviews me at Sleuths and Suspects about my thoughts on indie and Christian publishing.
- “A Gift that Needs to be Used” – guest post at Seriously Write.
- “When Prayer Feels Risky” – guest post at K. Dawn Byrd’s site.
- “Control and Trust” – guest post at Inner Source.
- Fay Lamb interviews me at Inner Source.
- Interview with the heroine, Carol Daniels, at Inner Source.
- “Can Christian Fiction Make a Difference?” – guest post at God is Love.
- When God Resuscitates Dreams: guest posting at Everyone’s Story
- For my 40th birthday, I whispered two pleas to God: salvation for a friend, and a novel contract for the story I’d worked on so long. What happened next? Read my guest post at The Over 50 Writer to find out.
- How have I seen God at work in my writing journey? Guest post: The Journey with Janet Sketchley, at Kristena Tunstall’s site.
- Guest post: Thanking God for Strangers, at Choose NOW Ministries.
- Interview and giveaway (ended May 22/14) at Christian Bookshelf Reviews. What’s my biggest writing quirk? Favourite holiday?
- What if we asked God to enlarge the boundaries of our hearts? My thoughts in a guest post at Ink from an Earthen Vessel.
- Interview at The Suspense Zone: What inspires me to write? How is being a published author different from what I expected?
- Yvonne Anderson reviews Heaven’s Prey and Interviews me: Y’s Words
- Interview on the Gelati’s Scoop G-Zone at Blog Talk Radio: How can you get a free ebook of Heaven’s Prey? Why do I love the editing team at Choose NOW Publishing? And which writers(s) have influenced me the most?
- When God Says “I’ve Got This”: Guest post at Christine Lindsay’s site
- Interview on Jo Linsdell’s Facebook page: Fiction or non-fiction, which do I like better? What was my Clash of the Titles experience like?
- Interview on Janice Dick’s site: Where did the characters come from? And what was the most difficult part of writing Heaven’s Prey?
- Interview at the Barn Door Book Loft: What’s the story behind the story? And what’s the best thing about where I live?
- Interview at The Women of Valley View: How much of myself do I write into my characters? How has writing stretched my comfort zone?
- Heaven’s Prey wins the December 2013 Clash of the Titles (for November releases)
- A Not So Gentle Christian Novel: Interview at The Author’s Blog (James R. Callan)
- Interview at K. Dawn Byrd’s website: Three things about me that might surprise you? And what am I working on now?
- Radio Interview: Arts Connection with Selaw Ministries
- The Coffee Corner with Janet Sketchley: Fireside chat and giveaway (closed).
- Meet CNP Author Janet Sketchley: Interview at the Choose NOW Publishing site. What’s the most off-the-wall bit of research I’ve done for writing? 5 things about me you didn’t know?
- Interview at Sunnybank Secrets: Without a clear sense of calling, what kept me writing and editing Heaven’s Prey for so many years? What song challenged me not to quit?
- Interview at Sleuths and Suspects: What about my faith? My family? The long journey to publication?
- Why Write About a Serial Killer? Guest post at Choose NOW Publishing
- Canadian Christians Who Write: Interview. Why look so long for a traditional publisher? What did I learn on the way? And why write about such difficult themes?
- Heaven’s Prey featured at Books for Book Lovers
- Why Pray for Our Leaders? Guest post at Under the Cover of Prayer.
- Interviews & Reviews: Interview and giveaway (closed). What am I working on now? More quirky deeds? Favourite Scripture?
- Praying for the Vilest Offenders: Guest post at Choose NOW Publishing
- Does Prayer Work? Guest post at Jennifer Slattery Lives Out Loud
- Interview at What does it take to write “uncompromising, faith-filled, fiction with an edge”? And why write a story with darker elements than I like to read?
- A Christian Writer’s World: Interview and giveaway (closed). What’s the quirkiest thing I’ve ever done? How do I keep my sanity in our run-run world? Laughing yet? Come see what else Lena Nelson Dooley asks me.
- Debut Novel Sure to be a Hit: Interview at Writer-lee. Where did the story idea come from? What was the best part to write? Advice for beginning writers?
- How to Support the Authors in Your Life: Guest post on Sandra Orchard’s blog
- Heaven’s Prey Blog Chase (this links to stop #1, which links to #2 etc… chase along with us! The book draw is now closed, but you can still find out a bit more about the characters)
- Interview at Steph’s Eclectic Interests: What kept my characters alive on the long road to publication? What would I say to unpublished writers ready to give up on their dream?
- Interview at Rebel Book Reviews: What character from Heaven’s Prey is most like me? Who’s my favourite? And what do I hope readers will take away from this story?
- Would You Pray for a Stranger?: Guest post at Faith, Fiction & Friends
On Pinterest? Check out my boards for Heaven’s Prey, Secrets and Lies and Without Proof.
Five novels, one winner, as chosen by readers. I’m excited to announce that Heaven’s Prey is December 2013’s champion at Clash of the Titles (for November releases).