Novel Rocket looks at The 5 Stages of Rejection Grief.
Brian Feinblum’s guest post at Live, Write, Thrive offers 16 Tips on How to Succeed as a Writer.
At A Word of Encouragement, Laura Hodges Poole shares two key tips and a video: How to Develop Effective Writing Habits.
At Live, Write, Thrive, C.S. Lakin shares the three most important things to know about your main characters.
Jerry Jenkins shares his secrets on How to Overcome Writer’s Block.
Jeff Goins offers The Writing Class You Never Had.
And to keep us focused, check out agent Chip MacGregor’s thought-provoking post on the difference between success and significance.
Perfect timing for these links, Janet! September is a time of fresh starts and new beginnings. The advice these folks shared is encouraging and motivating as we dig back into the projects we have on the go. Thank you!
Yes, it’s definitely time to get some writing momentum going again! September can bring new energy and enthusiasm. Enjoy!
I liked that post, Links for Writers. One of them brought me to interviews with Salman Rusdie and Ian McEwan. Most interesting. Thank you!
Hmmm, Carolyn… did I post an incorrect link, or did you search around on one of the sites after you got there? I’m not remembering reading those interviews…
Hi Janet,
Thank you for including my post in your “7 Links”. I love the other posts … we all have so much to learn and meditate on … but what a wonderful journey!
That pesky Internet… it gives us all these good things to read, but then we need to find time to read them. Thanks for your post, Terry, and for stopping by.