Review: A Fool and His Monet, by Sandra Orchard

A Fool and His Monet, by Sandra OrchardA Fool and His Monet, by Sandra Orchard (Revell, 2016)

Serena Jones has a cat, and she’s single, but she’s not a spinster cat lady. She’s just too focused on her new career with the FBI’s art crimes division to have time for a love life. Serena’s passionate about art, and about the job, and she harbours a lingering hope that somewhere in her investigations she’ll find the painting stolen from her grandfather years before.

Her mother wants her to quit investigating and take a safe, factory job – until she can get married and start producing grandchildren. Her father’s quietly proud of her. And her aunt… well, Aunt Martha may truly be a crazy, cat-loving spinster, although now she lives with Serena’s parents and her cat lives with Serena.

Here’s how Serena describes her aunt:

Aunt Martha was like one of those extreme sports nuts who didn’t realize “safety harness” was a pseudonym for “hang on for dear life or you’ll die harness.” [Kindle page 235]

In the midst of this fast-paced whodunit, there’s still time for family complications, personal danger for Serena, and the beginnings of a rivalry for her attention between her trainer and her apartment superintendant. Tanner and Nate are both such nice men, I feel bad for whichever one of them loses out. Interestingly enough, at the end of the book there’s a way for readers to vote on which one she should end up with. I wonder if the vote will carry it, or if the author already knows…

I’ve read most of Sandra Orchard’s books and always enjoyed them. A Fool and His Monet is the best one yet. With a snappy delivery, characters to care about, action, and a strong thread of humour, this one may show up as one of my books of the year. Someone called it “laugh-out-loud” funny, but to me it’s the kind that gives me a satisfied grin – and endears a story to my heart.

Sandra Orchard is an award-winning Canadian author of Christian romantic suspense. A Fool and His Monet is the first in her Serena Jones Mystery series, and as mentioned, there’s a romantic thread but it’s just beginning in book 1. This is also more of a “clean read,” without an overtly Christian thread. Serena is a church-goer, but the story isn’t about a spiritual lesson so much as about a crime and about her family and relationships. Book 2 comes out in the fall: Another Day, Another Dali. For more about the author, and to find some bonus book features, visit

[Review copy from my personal library.]

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4 thoughts on “Review: A Fool and His Monet, by Sandra Orchard

  1. Sandra Orchard

    I awoke to a google alert to your review, Janet. Such a nice way to start the week! I’m so pleased that you enjoyed the book and wanted to chime in on the vote. I haven’t settled on Serena’s guy..that’s up to my readers. My two critique partners are cheering for opposite guys and ensuring that both stay in the running. I’m currently writing the third book and eager to hear from readers as the tide is turning in Martha’s Vineyard (the setting of book 3). 😉

      1. Sandra Orchard

        Sadly, my publisher finds that series which go on for longer than 3 books don’t sell well enough. However, I do hint at one in the final book. I had so much more I wanted to do with several of the characters.

        1. Janet Sketchley Post author

          Yes, you’ve given us a lot of interesting characters in this series. I just finished Another Day, Another Dali and I have to say, my favourite character in this one is Mr. Malgucci. From that one scene, which I can’t explain without spoilers. I’m definitely enjoying the series.


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