Abram believed the LORD, and He credited it to him as righteousness.
Genesis 15:6, NIV*
God told this childless old man that the longing of his heart – the aching wound he had carried so long – would be satisfied. And Abram believed him. Pure and simple. He accepted God’s promise as truth, and trusted God to do as He said. There’s peace in that.
For me, his simple acceptance of God’s word is key. Not the particular promise he received, but the general heart attitude of believing God. Not whether he understood the hows and whys, nor what was at stake, just that he heard God and believed him.
Sometimes we hear God speak a personal word to us. We may not understand, but we need to trust His character and believe Him. Every day, whether we hear Him or not, we have His character and promises revealed in the Bible. We can believe them.
It’s the simplicity of Abram’s belief that inspires me. I’m so bad about complicating things. Instead of fretting, I need to quietly believe God. Accept Him. Let Him be the strong one, the leader. Trust Him and let Him have the wheel.
Help me, Father, to take my proper place trusting You, open to You, believing You. I’m sorry for the tangled complication I make of life – and of my own thoughts – and ask You to lead me into a simplicity of spirit that rests in You – actively trusts You – believes You the way a flower believes the sun.
Our song this week is “Lord (I Don’t Know)” by the Newsboys.
*New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
You’re right, we just need to believe Him and trust Him! I find myself questioning and doubting over and over. I guess that is part of maturing, resolutely determining to believe Him no matter how we feel. I hope you have a blessed day! Jenny
God’s girl/Jenny, thanks for stopping by. I agree, sometimes it’s a very resolute determination that keeps us believing, because we know God and know He doesn’t change. I like the childlike trust days better.
It’s good to know others face the same struggles. Have a blessed day yourself!