Book recommendations! What did I pick?

Text: The best Christian/clean books where mystery-suspense meets women's fiction. Book cover for Miranda Warning, by Heather Day Gilbert: snowy branch with one red berry. Four more book covers with question marks on them. Follow the link to find out what's there!
Click the image to discover the other 4 books!

I had so much fun choosing my top 5 books for my “best Christian/clean books where mystery-suspense meets women’s fiction” list. And the format the team at uses is refreshing: no hype-laden book blurbs, no long reviews. Just book covers and brief answers to the question, “Why did I love this book?”

So click the image above to see which books I chose and why I loved them. Then explore around the site and see what’s there. I hope you find a new book-friend or two! (Or you can click here:

Shepherd’s tag line is “Explore, discover, read.” They describe a visit to their site as “like wandering the aisles of your favorite bookstore.” You can search to see if your favourite authors have shared their top-5 lists, or look for books you love and find others like them. Or just type what kind of book you feel like reading at the moment and see what suggestions come up.

If you’re curious about what Shepherd’s all about, check out their article, “Who are you and why are you doing this?” (These folks are all about questions! And about helping readers find good books.)

[Note: I do not receive any affiliate funding from sending you to the Shepherd site or from anything you do there. The only material benefit to me is the royalty earned when someone buys my featured book, Unknown Enemy.]

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