99-cent Ebook Sale (ends Sept. 27/20)

Hidden Secrets is one of three novels short-listed in the suspense category for The 2020 Word Awards (for work published in 2019).
Also short-listed are:
I haven’t read either of these novels yet, but I’ve met both authors, and their work is highly respected. Hidden Secrets is in good company. The beauty of this is that when the winning book is announced, I can either celebrate for my “imaginary friends” if it’s my book or celebrate for one of my real-life writer friends (at least acquaintances!). Win-win!
The 2020 Word Awards winners will be announced June 13, 7pm Eastern Time (8pm Atlantic) online via livestream on Facebook and Zoom. It’ll be free for anyone to tune in. Link details TBA.
For the complete short-list, visit The Word Guild’s Media page and click on the short-list announcement link.
I hope you’re doing okay in these uncertain days. The most important things we can do are to pray for one another (and for our leaders!) and to care for one another in whatever way we can.
One small thing I can do is to reduce the price of my ebooks — people who are spending more time at home need distractions from the never-ending news loops. Books are great for that, and books that remind us of God’s care are extra-valuable now. Many Christian authors I know have been able to reduce their prices, and we all seem to be saying “it doesn’t seem like much, but it’s something I can do.”
So for the rest of March and into April, each of my ebooks will be 99 cents worldwide.
For convenience, the buy links on my Books2Read page should lead to the appropriate country for Kindle, Kobo, Nook, and Apple. Link: https://bit.ly/Books2ReadJanetSketchley
This applies for the three Redemption’s Edge novels (suspense/romantic suspense), the two Green Dory Inn Mysteries, and my daily devotional book. Feel fee to share this offer with your reading friends.
Just a quick note to let you know I’m guest posting at the Dare to Bloom site, and giving away an ebook copy of Heaven’s Prey. Come join the conversation about why we write — and/or read — fiction. Click here: Why Write Fiction? (Giveaway ends July 26, 2017, and is of course void where prohibited by law.)
Do you like to know about ebook deals, free books, and new releases? Like to read Christian fiction and non-fiction? I’ve just learned about a new way to find them.
Christian Book Heaven is a new source of curated book offers exclusively for Christian books. Notices come in a daily email, and readers can specify which genres they want to hear about. Here’s a link to subscribe:
Note: this is an affiliate link, which means if you subscribe to Christian Book Heaven through this link, I get points toward a discount for advertising my own books through them. It costs you nothing. If you’d prefer to not use an affiliate link, just visit their site directly and sign up there.
Because it’s short, and because it collects all the bonus features you could read here on the site if you took time to find them, my intent is to make this ebook free. At present it’s free for Kobo, Nook, but only free for Kindle in the US. Elsewhere for Kindle it’s 99 cents USD, which is the lowest they’ll let me set it. Kindle readers outside the US, I’ve tried my best to convince Amazon to match the free price, with no success. 🙁 You can find the bonus features listed on each novel’s book page here on my site. You might also have more luck than I’ve had with asking Amazon to match the price if you can find it free at one of their online competitors in your country. Readers who prefer iBooks, I’m sorry, but Apple only wants full stories, so they won’t take a book of bonus features.
If you’ve been waiting to read my Redemption’s Edge novels or the Hot Apple Cider anthologies, now’s the time. KOBO has a worldwide half-price sale on select ebooks, including Heaven’s Prey, Secrets and Lies, Without Proof (preorder), and Hot Apple Cider with Cinnamon.
Not a Kobo reader? Did you know the Kobo reading app is free for your electronic devices? Plus, if you’ve never tried them, they’re also offering a $5 bonus!
See below for codes and dates:
Canada: October 28th – October 31st
Promo Code: CA50SALE
United States/Australia/New Zealand: October 27th – October 30th
Promo Code: GET50SALE
United Kingdom: October 30th – November 2nd
Promo Code: UK50SALE
Tell your friends, and happy shopping!
Extra post this weekend… because I found out that my books are included in a half-price sale in the Kobo store! [Don’t have a Kobo? They have a free app to download for your tablet, phone or computer.]
If you wanted to read them before Without Proof comes out in November, now’s your chance. The following links are for the Canadian store, but Kobo sells worldwide. Outside of Canada, just go to your country’s Kobo store and search “Redemption’s Edge Sketchley”.
To buy: add the book(s) to your cart, proceed to checkout, and scroll down to see where to add a promotion code. Type SALE50 and you’ll see the discount apply. It works on more than one book, so stock up for fall reading! Sale ends August 31.
My Canadian Kobo links: Heaven’s Prey and Secrets and Lies.
Now you can get your serving of A Second Cup of Hot Apple Cider in ebook format. Kindle: Amazon.ca and Amazon.com; also available for Kobo.
Since I have a story in this book, I haven’t written a review. But here are what some others are saying:
“The stories in the anthology do not all have happy endings. There are people who write about devastating losses in their lives, or occasions that do not turn out as planned. Sometimes there are people of faith who make stunning breakthroughs; sometimes people of faith die. But through the grief, hope survives.” Read the entire article at North Shore Outlook.
“The stories in both Hot Apple Cider books are written in ways that some of us can relate to. I appreciate the honesty of the authors as theyshared from their hearts. Thank you!” ~Helga (posted on the publisher’s website)
“This collection of wonderful writing from a variety of voices is honest, personal, and compelling. Stoke the fire, put up your feet, and open this book. Like me, you’ll be comforted, inspired, and encouraged. I felt as if God were reading over my shoulder.” ~Michael Messenger, Executive VP, World Vision Canada
“This book is easy to pick up and tough to put down. You’ll love these stories of love, faith, and hope. Thank God for second helpings!” ~Phil Callaway, bestselling author, speaker, and humorist
[Amazon links are affiliate links that benefit The Word Guild.]