New year’s resolutions… some people make ’em, some don’t. Some keep ’em, some don’t.
For Christians, another aspect to this turning of the year is often “How will I pattern my Bible reading this year?” Will I crack open the next edition of my favourite devotional publication or try something different? Read through the entire Bible in a year? (If so, which reading schedule will I follow?)
My daily quiet times tend to be just God and me, in whatever section of Scripture the day finds us. As it happens, I’ve finished the book of Titus and am wondering where to feed next. And I’m thinking of taking the Bible-in-a-year challenge again. It’s been a few years. I may try RBC Ministries’ schedule in their Our Daily Bread. I like how it has readings from Old and New Testaments each day.
Something else I’m looking forward to is a new series of daily devotionals at the Other Food: daily devo’s site. Canadian author Violet Nesdoly has good insights, and she also has the stick-to-it-ness to deliver a new devotional each day. She did it all 2009 for kids at Bible Drive-Thru. I’ve signed up for email delivery on this one, since I never remember to check blogs daily.
A daily quiet time with God can be short or long, depending on your life. But we need to take some time each day to consciously spend in His presence or we’ll miss the growth He has for us. How about you? Any plans?
Happy New Year dear friend!
just discovered a wonderful book that I’ll be reading: The Perfect Leader (practicing the leadership traits fo God) by Kenneth Boa. The book is broken down into three sections: The Attributes of the Perfect Leader; The Skills Seen in the Perfect Leader and The Relationships of the Perfect Leader.
Section 1 has chapters on: Integrity; Character; Values; Purpose and Passion; Humility and Commitment.
I can’t wait to start this book–TODAY!
Thanks for the recommendation, Belinda… I’ll add that to my list. Many of us don’t think of ourselves as leaders, but we all have influence in a few people’s lives even if it’s unofficial. We’re parents, neighbours, co-workers… I can see this book being helpful for everyone. After all, Jesus sent His people out into the world to make a difference.
I hope you have a wonderful new year and spend it enjoying and sharing God’s amazing grace.
Daily Bible reading is a must….. We don’t want to go without food for our bodies….. That’s obviously disastrous….. But, we don’t consider how we are harming ourselves by not daily feeding on God’s word….. We are funny, mixed-up people.
We are funny and mixed-up indeed! As we spend more time with Him, may God grant us to sense spiritual hunger pangs like our powerful physical ones if we miss a “meal”.
HI Joanna
We enjoy reading ‘The Word for You Today’ published by UCB. Bob Gass is an excellent and thoughtful writer. We combine it with reading from scripture–we’re presently almost finished reading the Proverbs. We enjoy reading the BIble but won’t knuckle under to the pressure of trying to read it in a year.
You’re so right. It’s really important to spend time with God each day. I feel blessed in that we spend the time with Him as a couple at the end of the day.
Blessings to you
Hi Gina,
You and your husband are indeed blessed to spend time with the Father as a couple… enjoy! “The Word for You Today” was new to me, but the online sample looks valuable.
I haven’t done the Bible-in-a-year thing very often, because it can feel like work, but this year I thought I’d give it a try. It’s too easy on my own to stay in comfortable parts of the Bible and neglect the rest. But my daily feeding will be separate… Ephesians, for the moment.
Oh ladies,
January is here again and it seems that we are in the same boat, so to speak.
God is calling us deeper and higher. He is calling us into a time of wonderful intimacy and fellowship in our devotional time.
Lets stay committed shall we?
For me the struggle always comes down to discipline, discipline, discipline… oh how such a horrible word can be so good for us!!
I share my thoughts, victories and wipe-outs on discipline and habit building (and breaking) and I would love each of you to pop over for a visit!
I’ll put the tea on!!