Turn to me and have mercy on me,
as you always do to those who love your name.
Psalm 119:132, NIV*
Do you hear the absolute trust and confidence in God’s character and in His commitment to care?
“As You always do.”
We may not have a clue of what God will do, or how or when, but we can know that He will always keep His word. For those of us who love Him, part of our responsibility is to actively trust Him, and to keep alert to recognize His mercy when it comes.
Or, as Oswald Chambers expressed it in My Utmost for His Highest, we need to live in “Gracious Uncertainty”:
Leave everything to Him and it will be gloriously and graciously uncertain how He will come in—but you can be certain that He will come. Remain faithful to Him. Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, April 29. [Click the link to read his entire message—it will bless you.]
It isn’t easy for people who like to see, touch, and forecast our world. People who are used to instant fixes. But that’s how God works, and it trains our spirits to trust Him.
Sovereign and loving God, thank You for Your Word that teaches who You are and what You’ve said. Help us in our unbelief, increase our faith, and open our spiritual eyes and ears to notice Your touch on our lives and circumstances. Help us to give You praise, and to live in this “gracious uncertainty” that is certain of You—for our own benefits and for a demonstration of Your goodness to the people around us.
Here’s a new-to-me version of Ira Stanphill’s classic hymn, “I Don’t Know About Tomorrow,” sung by Ernie Haase and Signature Sound.
*New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Great post , Janet,
This is certainly something I have to remember. When you grow up learning to “control” you have more trouble switching to “trust”. I am learning slowly – to wait on Him; to know He knows what will happen and He cares for me.
It’s a hard thing to learn, isn’t it? I think slowly is the only way to do it, and sharing the journey with fellow Christians helps a lot. I’m finding it a long process too.
HI Janet,
The first time I commented I sent it from my church blog. I have to remember to turn that off. URG
Sharing is so important. I think the Internet is really helping with that.
I learn a few nuggets every day.
Have a wonderful day.
This is beautiful, Janet. I love the confirmations the Lord slips in here and there through the day when He wants us to focus on something, in this case, “to actively trust Him”. Certainty combined with “gracious uncertainty” makes for an adventurous life.
He gets His message across, as long as we’re listening! I love that about Him.
And you’re right about the adventurous life!
Our Lord wants us to trust His wisdom, love, and power to the uttermost, as the psalmist did….. God has proven His faithfulness….. That’s something we need to work on.
Margaret, I think we’ll be working on trusting God until we die–especially where He’s already proven Himself. Some of that’s our slow spirits, but some of it’s the depth of trust He can grow in us.
Let’s keep working at it!