The Lord will work out his plans for my life—for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Psalm 138:8a, NLT*
I love David’s quiet assurance in this psalm. There’s danger all around, he’s calm in his confidence that A) God has plans for his life, and B) God will fulfill those plans despite circumstances which give evidence to the contrary.
The psalm says nothing about what God’s plans for David are, or even whether David knows them or not. I don’t know if this psalm was before or after he became king, because he definitely knew that plan.
God has plans and purposes for each of us, sometimes large-scale leadership roles, but also smaller ones in the everyday.
And we don’t need advance notice of what they are, although we try to insist on it. It’s enough that He knows, and that we be ready and recognize them when it’s time.
Father God, help me be content with the step I’m on. Help me trust You to make the next step clear when I need to take it. Forgive me for those times I’ve strained to see ahead and felt entitled to know what’s next. You know. Let that be enough.
Here’s a song of trust in God from Robin Mark: “All is Well,” from his Year of Grace album. It’s a long one, but it’s beautiful.
*New Living Translation (NLT) Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
I love the “It’s enough that He knows, and that we be ready and recognize them when it’s time.”
That surely keeps us calm and focused – right? Well it should.
Trying to stay “in the moment”, content that He is leading and I will hear His call.
I think we’ll be learning this all lifetime long, but the moments of quiet trust are the best.
It really is all about trust. I’m glad I know Him well enough to trust Him. And, of course, I’m glad there’s you, Janet.
Okay Free2Soar – where are you getting those comment things?
And I am very glad there is you – can’t wait to pray on our prayer walk at W!C.
You nailed it, Stephanie. It’s about trust. I think one of the key things Christians need to do is to discover the character of God. The better we know Him, the more we can trust Him.
Comment things? I’s confused.
A prayer walk? Oh, I love it! I hope I am not otherwise occupied at the time.
Blessings…Stephanie (aka f2s)
Okay Stephanie – my brain is going funny this morning. I thought that was Janet with a new icon… but Janet and I do a prayer walk early Thursday morning. But I am up to prayer walking anytime at W!C.
And the “comment things” were a question to Janet – so no need to be confused.
Too many things on my mind this morning…
The comment things… Jan, do you mean the buttons that let you choose to comment as guest or by WordPress, Twitter or Facebook accounts? It’s something new WordPress is doing to make commenting easier. Your blog should have it too, but you may have to try to leave yourself a comment to see them. These WordPress folks are amazing.