One of the first things we do when tragedy hits or when things go wrong is to ask God “Why?”
God welcomes honest questions, “why?” included, although I’m sure He’d prefer a trusting, hurt-filled tone than an angry, demanding one. Either way, I believe He’d rather have us talking to Him than trying to freeze Him out. After all, dialogue goes two ways and we might hear His response.
My community is still processing a recent teen suicide. And internationally, North Americans are shocked by the Boston Marathon bombings.
“Why?” is a valid question, and it predates Job. But there are healthier questions to ask as well:
- are You, God?
- do You say I am?
- have You put in my day to encourage or bless?
- are You saying to me?
- do You want to show me?
- do You want to do in or through me?
- can I join You in what You’re doing?
- are You leading me?
- are You revealing Yourself?
- You come back, will I be found ready?
- You speak, help me hear and obey.
- You want me to wait in quiet, help me be patient.
- can I best show love to those around me?
- can I get to know You better?
- can I best use the time in each day?
Turns out, “When?” is pretty contentious too. In general, we’re better to bring God those things we don’t understand and our impatience for things delayed, to leave them with Him in trust, and to ask questions that leave us open to God’s direction.
Great questions, Janet. It’s been a week of questions. Thank you for the link to Ann’s post – 60 hours without hydro. Her area had the longest “time out”. People were using camping equipment. Our hydro came on after 8 hours. Quite a storm, in nature and in world affairs.
Lord, teach us in the storms and bring us through them!