Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 5:19a-20, NIV*
I’m learning that when our congregation is singing a song I dislike (there are a few) I need to remember the song isn’t for me. It’s for God, and He presumably likes it—if it’s sung from worshipping hearts. If I choose to focus on what I don’t like about it, that’s not worship. If I give it my best for His sake, it is.
Sunday morning we were singing songs I appreciate, but I wasn’t feeling as well as usual and just wasn’t connecting. God, being good, helped me see that pushing through to intentionally sing and praise was perhaps a better offering than on a regular Sunday when the praise comes easier.
It’s a declaration that God’s worship-worthiness is constant and doesn’t depend on my fluctuating feelings. I think prayer is the same way. Whatever state we’re in when we come aside to pray, let us take good courage, be firm in our faith, and commit the needs and praises to our God Who is able and who cares for us. It’s about Him, after all.
Father, thank You for Your patient teaching and nurture that draw us closer to Your heart. Teach us to worship in spirit and in truth, with thanksgiving, for Your glory.
“Blessed Be Your Name,” by Matt Redman, is a contemporary classic declaration of worship and prayer in the good and in the bad. It’s sung here by Tree63.
*New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
I’m under the weather today. Thanks for the reminder that I can still choose to intentionally worship. God is, indeed, worthy no matter the circumstances or how we feel.
Stephanie, I hope you feel better quickly. And I really do believe the worship we offer from these “low” states pleases God. We’re doing it because He’s worthy, not because we feel warm fuzzies. (The fuzzies are nice, though!)
Hi Janet,
Very true…. We change from moment to moment, depending on our surrounding circumstances, which we often don’t understand…. But, God never changes…. He is the same Yesterday, Today, and Forever…. Because He is so faithful, loving and good, we need to praise Him for that….. Our circumstances change, but God does not. 🙂
Margaret, isn’t that the secret of our hope? That God does not change? That’s why I think it’s so important for us to discover His character in Scripture, so we know Who we’re trusting.
Yes, that is the secret of our hope — a hope that the world cannot figure out…. They don’t realize that God does not change, so they’re always fearful and distrusting….. I’m glad God has proven His faithfulness in His word…. It’s something to hold onto.