Miracles and Kindnesses

When our ancestors were in Egypt, they gave no thought to your miracles; they did not remember your many kindnesses, and they rebelled by the sea, the Red Sea. Yet he saved them for his name’s sake, to make his mighty power known.
Psalm 106:7, NIV*

The Israelites often looked at their troubles and forgot to look at God. We do the same, and we have the Bible and the Holy Spirit, so I’m not pointing fingers.

But we need to remember and be mindful of the majesty of God, of His vastness and His glory. His miracles. If nothing else, it puts life in perspective.

Yes, He gives us tender, personal gifts. His kindnesses. Things like a blooming flower or a bit of music that seem tailored to bless just one spirit. They root us in awareness of His love for us, and that’s a good thing.

The danger of intimacy is when our thoughts try to bring God down to our level. He’s so close, so real. But we need to look at His larger-scale acts and works too.

It’s about balance.

We need intimacy with God and holy awe of His majesty.

It’s all to keep us praising. Worshipping. Living in obedience and trust.

God who formed the universe, who numbers the stars in the sky and the hairs on our heads, You are majestic in holiness, far beyond our comprehension. Yet You love us and woo us into a personal relationship. Help us to know and rely on Your love for us, and help us develop a confidence in You and a holy awe of You. Help us know You as both King and Abba—Daddy—Papa.

Our song is Steve Fee’s “Glorious One”.

*New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

5 thoughts on “Miracles and Kindnesses

  1. Margaret

    This is so well said, Janet…. It seems that we have great difficulty remembering all of God’s blessings every time we experience one tiny, little challenge to grow in faith….. We need to remember how faithful our Savior has been since the beginning of time, so that our hearts won’t pout and be rebellious with this life’s trials….. Thanks, so much.


    1. janetsketchley

      “so that our hearts won’t pout and be rebellious with this life’s trials” — God is so interested in our hearts, and we’re too busy with our circumstances sometimes. I’m so thankful for His grace and patience, and that He’s working to grow us.

      God bless you, Margaret!

  2. Stephanie

    I saw a Christian talk show with two guests: a macrobiologist and a microbiologist. It was fascinating how God reveals Himself in the vastness of the universe and the intricacy of a single cell. The intimacy and absolute reverence we are called to are much the same.
    Thanks again for sharing your insights, Janet.

    1. janetsketchley

      Maybe it’s just one more paradox of our faith, intimacy and reverence, micro and macro. I wish I’d seen the show you mention, Stephanie. It makes sense; we know God works on a much larger scale than we can conceive, so He must be at work on a much smaller scale too. It always amazes me when they find new, intricate life at the bottom of the ocean or somewhere else where it may never have been discovered. But God took time to craft it well, for His own pleasure. I guess that reminds me that it’s not all about us! Blessings today!

  3. Stephanie

    While thousands of people think there must be life on other planets, I figure God made the universe as big as it is just ‘cuz He could…and to make Himself known, of course (according to Romans 1). And the info in a strand of DNA…mind-boggling.
    The macrobiologist and the microbiologist were on Huntley Street for a full week years ago. I wonder if they have the episodes archived. Hm…
    Have a blessed weekend, Janet.


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