On Dandelions and Happiness

This rebuttal to last week’s post, On Dandelions and Sin, is brought to you by guest blogger Dan D. Lion.


Dan D. Lion,
Worldwide Coalition of Dandelions

On behalf of the Worldwide Dandelion Coalition, allow me to address the slurs cast upon our species in a previous blog post comparing us to spiritually and physically harmful human behaviour.

While the similarities pointed out in that post are apt, we at the Worldwide Dandelion Coalition categorically reject any inference that we, therefore, are a menace in need of removal. Our “fuzzy yellow suns, milky seed-puff moons,” to quote the offending post, provide much benefit:

  • our blossoms are signs of spring, warming hearts
  • we provide plentiful blossoms for loving children to give as bouquets
  • we add colour, especially on overcast days
  • children play with us, making dandelion necklaces and flicking our golden orbs at one another
  • they also love to blow our seed globes, an act that causes much laughter and wonder among the young
  • we hold our stark caps high once the seeds have blown, examples of standing strong and authentic with no pretense at youth and no shame about our lost beauty
  • certain of our roots and leaves are, in fact, edible, and humans can enjoy us as greens, wine, coffee substitute, tea and herbal remedies (The Morning Chores site lists “21 Surprisingly Tasty Dandelion Recipes“)
  • our graceful stems that bow under lawnmowers and then stand again are examples of resilience
  • we may be considered the symbol of courage
  • the way we allow the wind to scatter our seed can show humans the value of trusting the Creator to direct each one’s path – contrary to implications in last Friday’s post, we do not plan a calculated invasion and instead we bloom where we’re planted
  • the Creator’s care for us is meant to remind humans to trust His even greater care for them (Matthew 6:28-30)
  • there are 250 species of dandelion – this speaks to humans of accepting diversity and of adapting to new circumstances
  • honeybees love us – and humans love honey
  • to those who appreciate us despite our hurtful designation as weeds, we illustrate maxims such as “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and “One man’s treasure is another man’s poison”
  • while still maligned as a “noxious weed” in parts of Canada, dandelions have mercifully been removed from the city of Calgary’s hit list and are even embraced by the province of British Columbia as an “agricultural commodity” (read Dandelions Finally Get their Day in the Sun: National Post, 2010)
  • we’ve also inspired production of dandelion paperweights (see the completed Kickstarter campaign here)
  • the sight of us can be a simple pleasure
  • we have inspired poetry
  • watch this video: Time Lapse Dandelion Flower to Seed Head, filmed by Neil Bromholl. Aren’t we beautiful?

Whether you can accept us on your property or not, dandelions are here to stay, and we invite you to appreciate us as much as you can, and to let us brighten your spirits.


Dan D. Lion
Spokesblossom, Worldwide Dandelion Coalition
“We come in peace.”

6 thoughts on “On Dandelions and Happiness

  1. Ruth Ann Adams

    I love this, Janet! The dandelions are having their day in the sun! The next time I uproot them, I will remember how life looks from their point of view. Love the “rebuttal.” Reminds me a little of Screwtape Letters!

  2. Margaret


    I love what this post says also — even though it is a rebuttal. It’s just like what God says about all of us dandelions. He loves us so dearly – He made us and thinks of us as being lovely and most precious. We are the apple of His eye and the greatness of His love led Him to even die for us willingly. He faithfully seeks to do us good and save us in the wondrous bouquet of all His people gathered together in a gorgeous display. He wants more and more of us to be glorious in His house. He loves to see us produce more lovliness and plant our seeds of love and faithfulness everywhere, making this world a most wonderful place to be.

    But, in the same breath, our sins make us an ugly scourge of evil that needs to be totally destroyed before the evil overtakes everything good and wholesome, and pollutes everything — making a putrid mess of creation. Even God’s beloved know how and are capable of spreading evil and sin. We, too, can be very careless about spreading jealousies, bitterness, back biting, unbelief, faithlessness, lovelessness, and the like.

    So, yes, I look at dandelions as beautiful and wonderful — and a scourge in my yard at the same time. But, they are forgiven for visiting in an overabundance, because I also enjoy their cheerfulness, brightness, and joys.

    That’s life. Thank you for posting this and bringing joy in dandelions.

    1. Janet Sketchley

      Wow, Margaret, lots of good thoughts here! Two sides, both true. I love the image of God’s children as a bouquet. Thanks for taking time to express this so clearly.


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