As prayer team lead for The Word Guild, one of my responsibilities right now is to organize advanced prayer for the upcoming Write! Canada conference. A small group of us will pray regularly for the faculty, staff and attendees, from now until the conference takes place this June in Guelph, Ontario.
We’ll be praying for safety, preparation, logistics and technical issues, open hearts and spirits, and anything else the Holy Spirit brings to mind. In their registration packets, attendees will be encouraged to pray “for safety in travel, the ability to hear God, and the ability to make wise decisions. Pray also that you will meet people who will help you on your journey, people you can connect with as peers, and people who need what you can offer them.”
The morning before the conference opens, a few of us will take a prayer walk around the conference grounds and through the facilities. And of course there’ll be plenty of planned and impromptu prayer times before the conference ends.
I was thinking of this, last Sunday morning at church, when the speaker reminded us of the fellowship time planned for after the service. I took a few seconds to ask the Lord to direct our conversations and steer me to people He would encourage. And He did.
Prayer coverage for Write! Canada and other special events makes a big difference. What do you think would happen if we prayed for our weekly worship gatherings, not just for our teachers and leaders but for the connections between Spirit and spirit, and from person to person?
Good idea! I had one of these last week. On the skytrain to the Olympic street celebrations in Vancouver (Friday), I sat beside a lady who was reading something. When I glanced down, I saw it was a page with scripture verses on it. I asked her if she was memorizing them. “They’re in my language,” she said. Indeed, when I looked more closely, they were all in Russian script. We had a lovely conversation about faith – and how she and her family came to it during a hard time after immigrating to Canada.
What a neat connection, Violet. It probably blessed you both, and neither of you planned it. We need to be alert for those moments.