I know the Lord is always with me.
I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.
Psalm 16:8, NLT*
Sometimes we just need to declare the truth and choose to believe it, whether it feels true or not.
God is patiently retraining my responses to stressful or fear-inducing situations, and my part is to remember—and rely on—the truth.
Travelling to and from Write! Canada the other week let me practice. My route to the conference involved two planes, a commuter train and a bus. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
I actually suspect God allowed me to miss my train stop as part of the lesson. Not that He caused me to forget, but it was just after that stop a thought popped up: check where you’re supposed to get off.
It really was good practice to get off at the next stop muttering “I have a good Shepherd” and using the truth to subdue the muscles that wanted to clench. I repeated it in my mind when I had to ask a transit information worker for help.
My Shepherd had a friendly person on the desk, who didn’t yell at me or make me feel stupid. Instead, she told me what bus to take from there. No backtracking, no paying a second fare.
This retraining will be ongoing for some time, but after all, it took years for the problem to get this deeply entrenched. And it’s getting easier as long as I stay on guard.
God who rules the universe and yet who knows our smallest need, thank You for Your care. You love us, You save us, and You don’t leave us in the messes where You find us. Thank You for the truth in Your Word. Help us use all the armour of Christ and to cooperate with You in working out our salvation. Thank You that who the Son sets free is free indeed.
As an echo to today’s verse, here is Vineyard Music’s “I Will Not Be Shaken.”
*New Living Translation (NLT) Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
Just awesome Janet. I will Not be Shaken was one of the first songs I heard after reconnecting with Jesus. I love it , love it.
May we continue to move on – getting closer and closer to Him; He leads, guides and nudges.
Amen! I Will Not Be Shaken was a new song to me, but I sure like it.
“declare the truth and choose to believe it” – a dynamic principle to apply to every one one of His precious promises. Love it!
Mary, I think your July post is saying the same thing. I love it when He does that.
“God is patiently retraining my responses to stressful or fear-inducing situations, and my part is to remember—and rely on—the truth.’
I love the concrete example of how you responded to the train situation. He is also training me in some areas. The more I apply truth to the lies that fuel those emotions, the happier I am. If only I would do it right away, as soon as the lies hit!
Barb, that’s my thought too — if only I’d do it right away. I hope that’s part of the growth process, and that someday it’ll be the new instinctive response. Blessings on your day, and thanks for stopping by to comment!