12 Places to Find Motivation
by Steph Beth Nickel
Where do you find motivation when the only thing you want to do is laze around or lay your head down and have a nap?
I’m not sure if it was the muggy weather, a mild case of burnout, low grade depression, or a combination of all three, but I haven’t been near as productive over the last little while as I would have liked.
But things are on the upswing. Maybe the following ideas will help you as well.
Make a List
I gave my most recent list what I hope will be a motivating title, Do it Already. It’s my attempt to kick myself in the backside.
Whether you write brief To Do lists so you won’t forget important responsibilities, or detailed lists covering every area of life, lists have countless benefits.
I encourage you to find the format that works best for you.
Don’t have time? Lack the desire? Don’t know what to do?
Those who get regular exercise tend to work more efficiently, and therefore, make better use of their time.
It may take some doing to get started, but exercise releases endorphins, which help us feel more positive and motivated. Exercise is definitely worth the effort.
Sign up at the gym and hire a personal trainer—at least to get you started. Buy a new workout DVD, something that makes you think, “Hey, I could do this.” Go for a bike ride, a hike, or a swim.
Regardless of what you decide to do, be sure to check with your doctor first.

Photo credit: Pixabay
Eat Well
What we eat has a direct correlation on our mood and our energy level.
When we’re sluggish, we aren’t motivated to exercise although we know it will give us more energy. The same is true of eating well.
When you’re in a funk, do you think, “Hey, I think I’ll make myself a big salad”? If you’re like most of us, you’d rather grab something quick, easy, and likely not all that good for you.
Take some time each week to plan your meals. Do as much prep work ahead of time as you can. That way, when you don’t have a lot of energy or motivation, you’ll still be able to prepare a nutritious meal for yourself and the family with minimal effort.
Get a Good Night’s Rest
My aim is to get seven hours of sleep each night. I function quite well on six, but after a few nights, it catches up with me.
There are those who say consistency is the most important thing. They say we should go to bed and get up at the same time seven days a week. I have yet to put this in practice. Truth be told, I won’t likely do so. But if you find yourself sluggish, this is definitely something to try.
Limit Your Time on Social Media
When my eldest was just a baby, he loved to be walked … and walked and walked and walked. But he didn’t want to be snuggled. He wanted the freedom to look around. I got the impression he didn’t want to miss anything.
This is like me and social media, especially Facebook. I find, however, that I am far more productive if I limit my time online.
Guard your time.
Read Rather than Watch TV
The more I read, the more I want to read. Over the past few days, I have found myself gobbling up reading material.
Reading a wide variety of books is something that motivates me. How about you?
Do Something You Love
If our To Do List is only populated with things we’re obliged to do but aren’t enthusiastic about, we’ll be overwhelmed just by reading the list.
If, however, we include something we truly love every week or more, it can motivate us to tackle the other items on our list with a more positive outlook.
Do Something You’ve Been Putting Off
I find if I cross something off my Procrastination List, even something small, I have as great a sense of accomplishment as if I’d crossed 10 things off my everyday list.
Listen to Uplifting Music
I’ve found there’s nothing quite like listening to a TobyMac playlist to get me chair dancing. It instantly improves my mood and drives the truth deep inside my soul. I often wake up singing a line or two.
Don’t Neglect Your Spiritual Health
It’s far too easy to let spiritual disciplines slide if we’re overwhelmed or in a funk, but these are among the times we need most to remind ourselves of the goodness and love of God. Reading His Word, bringing our needs to Him in prayer, choosing to praise Him for who He is, and fellowshipping with brothers and sisters in Christ will go a long way to helping us put things in perspective.
Scroll down to the comments form to share your thoughts.
In a funk? Don’t neglect spiritual disciplines.
When you lack motivation, do something you love.
Even when you can’t do a lot, do a little.
Stephanie (Steph Beth) Nickel is an award-winning co-author, a freelance editor and writer, a labour doula, and a former personal trainer. She also loves to speak, teach, and take slice-of-life photos. She would love to connect with you on Facebook or Twitter, on her website or blog.