What Makes You Come Alive?

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. ~Howard Thurman

What makes me come alive?

  • Worship. First, foremost. It’s like oxygen, water and food. Subsets would be listening prayer, reading the Bible (and really listening), and worship music.
  • Creating. Mostly through writing fiction. Cross-stitch, knitting and cooking also help.
  • Loving and being loved. Accepting and being accepted. Minds and hearts meeting.

If this quote is true, and I suspect it is, then allowing life to crowd these things out makes me less effective as a person. Even if I complete everything on my to-do list.

My heart won’t be there. I won’t be what Dr. Howard Thurman calls alive. Who around me will be the poorer for it?

We can’t spend all day doing what we like best. There are wages to earn, household chores and responsibilities to tend to, social interactions (yes, we introverts find this a hard one) etc. But this quote intrigues me with the promise that intentionally including come-alive experiences in part of my day will positively affect the whole 24 hours.

What makes you come alive?

5 thoughts on “What Makes You Come Alive?

  1. Janet Sketchley

    This quote really put some things into perspective for me. Jesus promised abundant life, and I think we need to recognize and embrace the things He gives us that energize that life.

  2. Roger Tharpe

    Worship in song and sometimes a little personal dance, puts me in the best position, I believe, to receive the revelation of God when reading his word. This is not done out of legalism as the only way to receive God’s wisdom, it is done out of love for what he has done for me on the cross.


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