Where Our Help Lies

I lift up my eyes to the hills-
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
Psalm 121:1-2, NIV*

“Circumstances and challenges are constant, but thank God we know where our help lies.” That one sentence from Canadian writer/speaker Mary Haskett pointed me to this week’s verse and song.

Our help lies with God. So do our purpose, direction, our only possibility of getting life right.

God is not a distant hope, a Divine sort of cavalry waiting in the hills to ride down and rescue us when we signal. He’s here with each of us who have committed our lives to Him. He takes that commitment seriously – as seriously as His commitment to never leave us.

It’s sad that so often we don’t remember He’s with us. In our best moments, we’re aware of His quiet presence. In those moments we have peace, joy, assurance. We live each moment in His, and it shows.

Father, help us in our weakness. Help us remember Your presence with us and depend on You. Remind us that You are bigger and more powerful than the circumstances and challenges that threaten us today. On our own we are helpless, but we praise You that by Your grace, our hope… our help… is in You.

We’ve used this song before, but what could be more appropriate than Bebo Norman‘s “I Will Lift My Eyes“?

*New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

4 thoughts on “Where Our Help Lies

  1. violet

    I love Bebo Norman. Beautiful song!

    Oh yes, and congrats on the book review in the latest Faith Today. Nice to see your name there again!

  2. God's girl

    Oh my goodness, that sounds so much like what I wrote on Friday! Turn our eyes to Jesus, Lift our eyes to the hills where our help lies! Making God bigger than our struggles! That’s awesome! God is awesome the way He teaches the same thing to several people at the same time! 🙂 Blessings! Jenny

  3. joannamallory

    It amazes me how He does this. He speaks to each of us at the same time, and I guess it makes sense that sometimes we’re struggling with the same issues. When we share His encouragement, it spreads the blessing to others who need it too.

    Then there’s the other side, when He gives one person the same message everywhere they turn, until they realize He’s talking to them.

    I’m so glad we’re not alone in this faith-walk.


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