How do you keep up with a blog series? I subscribe via email, because I’d never remember to check the site on a regular basis. And if the series has been going for a while before I find it, I’m unlikely to go back to the beginning to catch up.
Here are three new-ish blog series in early enough stages that you can start from the beginning if they catch your interest:
At Serving Singles, Rev. Shirley DeMerchant has just begun a series where she’ll explore what she’s been learning from studying the book Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero. Since this is a book I’ve heard recommended in the past, I’m seizing this chance to learn a bit more.
Author Janice L. Dick is moving from traditional publishing to indie (self-publishing) and she’ll be sharing her journey in a series of Tuesday posts. For those interested in the possibilities of independent publishing, here’s post 1: My Indie Adventure.
Author Bobbi Junior is blogging her memoir, When the Bough Breaks, chapter by chapter. Here’s the link to chapter 1: Nothing Rattles Rick.
And here are two of my favourite blogs which, while they aren’t series blogs, I count on for regular spiritual encouragement:
Hearing the Heartbeat with Carolyn Watts (Mondays).
Beech Croft Tales with Mary Waind (on the 1st and 15th of each month).
Thanks for the support, Janet! I’m really enjoying this experiment of blogging and entire book, week by week, chapter by chapter. I hope people will share their thoughts on this kind of process. We’re all learning together.
For me as a reader, the key is to start at the beginning. If it was too far along in the book, I wouldn’t feel I had time to catch up. The people who find you near the end of this will be the ones wanting to buy a copy to save themselves the hassle of reading online.