Worried? Tired? Overwhelmed? Sometimes life is just too much. Here are some posts that blessed me this week, and I hope they’ll encourage you.
Margaret Feinberg writes: “When you’re at the end of your rope, wherever that may be, will you remember these powerful truths?” (Read 10 Things to Remember When You’re Having a Dirty Dog Bad Day — complete with photos and quotes.)
Carolyn Watts reassures us about the one thing we need to hold onto. (Read When You Worry: The One Thing You Really Need to Know)
Mary Waind reminds us to stick close to the Father and not be distracted by wondering how He’ll work out the details. (Read Forget About the Donkeys)
Violet Nesdoly highlights the importance of guarding our thoughts. (Read The Fruit of Our Thoughts)
And Carolyn Arends shares some thoughts on awareness and gratitude. (Read Worship Con Queso)
[photo credit: Janet Sketchley]
Janet, thank you so much for including me. This is a great list!
Thank you for your encouraging post, Margaret. Each one of your ten points could have nourished me for a day.