Tell Archippus: “See to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord.” Colossians 3:23-244:17, NIV1
I was heading for 1Thessalonians when this verse caught my attention. I suspect Paul’s referring to a specific task or calling Archippus has received, but it seems to apply generally as well.
In her comment on last Wednesday’s devotional, Ginny Jaques said “I work for Him 24/7, and He directs my path, even giving me R and R when I need it.”
Some of us have a direct assignment from the Lord, but all of us have work He’s given us to do. People He’s given us to care for.
The Bible says a lot about faithful service, and about relying on God’s strength instead of our own. I love this quote from Brother Lawrence:
Recently I went to Burgundy to buy the wine provisions for the society which I have joined. This was a very unwelcome task for me. I have no natural business ability and, being lame, I cannot get around the boat except by rolling myself over the casks. Nonetheless, this matter gave me no uneasiness, nor did the purchase of wine. I told the Lord that it was His business that I was about. Afterwards, I found the whole thing well performed.2
Father, thank You for what You’ve given me to do, especially for my family You’ve given me to look after. Thank You it’s not about a frantic hurry to complete a set task—it’s about a willing heart that trusts in You. Help me recognize the work You give, and to serve You well. help me recognize and let go of the distractions.
Let this week’s song be our prayer: “To God Alone,” by Aaron Shust.
1New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
2Brother Lawrence, as recorded in Practicing His Presence, © MCMLXXIII by Gene Edwards, Christian Books.
I loved the Brother Lawrence quote and it lifted my spirits at the end of a long day that had some tough parts in it. Thanks for the reminder not to take life so seriously and just laugh at things that are not so important after all!
Belinda, you have been the instrument of lifting my spirits so many times, I am so thankful God would use something I posted to lift yours!
I don’t know why it’s so hard for us to learn to live a little lighter. Blessings today, my friend.
Wonderful quotes by Ginny and Bro. Lawrence. I need to practice such care free living! Thanks for the reminder.
Hi Janet,
Amen. I like this post. It makes more sense to me…after a week long offline…and taking time to be not IN A HURRY. And even though the circumstances for my slowing down were not of my own making…I thank God for that time of refreshing and refocus. God at times wants us to work twice as much and at others, He wants us to be still and know He is God.
I thank Him…for this past week lessons in the quiet!
Funny how we fight the slowing down times, but God has such good purposes for them! I’m happy you’re refreshed and refocussed, Gladwell. “Taking time to be not in a hurry…” that’s a great way to put it.
God bless you!