Much-Needed Rest
by Steph Beth Nickel
Last month, I shared some of my favourite podcasts and audiobook providers. But even the best of these can become little more than noise in this world of overstimulation. And coming out of the holiday season, rest—and quiet—may be exactly what you need.
Although quiet and rest are not the same, they are related. While being quiet doesn’t guarantee we will be at rest, it is difficult to truly rest and recharge without at least some periods of quiet. (Note: quietness isn’t necessarily the same as silence. For instance, you can go for a quiet walk surrounded by the sounds of nature.)

Photo Credit: Steph Beth Nickel
Saundra Dalton Smith, MD, identifies seven types of rest each of us needs, many of which we give little to no thought. In her book Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity, the author examines the following types of rest: Physical Rest, Mental Rest, Emotional Rest, Spiritual Rest, Social Rest, Sensory Rest, and Creative Rest.
Depending on the audiobook I’m listening to or the podcast I have playing, I may be able to rest in one or more of these ways. However, there are times quiet is the best option. While I can fall asleep listening to a TV show, podcast, or audiobook (thank goodness for the snooze feature!), allowing myself to drift off without this type of auditory input can make for a more restful sleep.
Listening to anything that gets my mind racing is obviously not providing the mental or emotional rest I need. There are things that do, however. For example, I enjoy using Emily P. Freeman’s Quiet Collection and the One Minute Pause apps to wind down and “be present.”
While there are numerous auditory resources that help us develop our spiritual life, it’s important to enjoy the presence of the promised Comforter, the Holy Spirit, and listen to what He is teaching us through what we’ve read, heard, and experienced. It’s easier to do this if we regularly take time to be quiet.
And now we come to social rest. I can almost hear all the introverts out there cheering, but we extroverts may have a tough time with this one. I like listening to podcasts not only because of the subject matter but also because I enjoy the pseudo connection I’ve made with my favourite podcasters. I have to remind myself that I don’t always need someone to keep me company.
While sensory rest seems self-explanatory, we may need to remind ourselves of its importance, especially when we encounter resistance—external or internal.
And last, the author of Sacred Rest examines creative rest. She refers to a friend who rests by pulling out her art supplies and creating a painting. While the very thought of doing so may cause us anxiety, there is likely something creative each of us finds restful.
How about you? Do you enjoy sitting down at the piano and playing your favourite song? Grabbing your camera and going for a photo walk? Baking a batch of cookies? Art journalling? Writing a poem?
As we enter the new year, let’s commit to stepping back from the noise and embracing the rest we need.
How are you going to do so?

As an editor, Steph Beth Nickel has the honour of coming alongside writers to help them polish their work. As the coauthor of Paralympian Deb Willows’s memoirs, Steph has been blessed to work with this amazing woman. And as a future self-published author, with the Lord’s help, Steph has taken brave steps toward publication.
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