The earliest notes for my foray into the mad adventure known as fiction writing carry a March date. I’ve chosen March as the “birthday” month of my
fictional characters imaginary friends, even those who have told me their “real” birth dates. My family thinks I’m crazy, but they never turn down free cake.
This blog began in March, too, and in 2013 I’m celebrating 5 years. Names have changed (the blog used to be God With Us: Finding Joy, and I used to write under the pen name of Joanna Mallory) but the focus is much the same.
God has given me a devotional every week. For five years. I love the chance to share what He’s showing me, and to see how sometimes He uses it in readers’ lives.
I’ve enjoyed spreading the word about books I’ve read and authors I’ve appreciated. Especially Canadian authors who are Christian…
And the blogging friends I’ve made, a few of whom could be my sisters separated at birth… some of you I won’t meet before Heaven, others I’ve met at Write! Canada, but it’s our online conversations that have rooted the relationships.
In celebration of it all, I’m giving away a free copy of A Second Cup of Hot Apple Cider. To find out more, visit the Blog Birthday Party page. [Comments left on today’s post won’t be included in the draw… you need to go over to the giveaway page. Edit: The party’s over, and the page is gone now.]
So… join the celebration, and help yourself to a slice of virtual cake!
Congratulations! It’s hard to believe you’ve been going five. Enjoy the cake.
So glad we met. I don’t know how you’ve seen it, but I’ve felt we were sisters separated at birth from the beginning.
I don’t need a copy of the book because I ran into Ed Hird the other day and he talked me into buying a copy from him. He carries them in his trunk! Looking forward to reading it.
Happy 5th birthday, writing and blogging! Many happy returns of the day!
Ginny, you were one of the sisters I was thinking of… I’ve really appreciated how the Lord often has us on the same mental/spiritual track.
Enjoy A Second Cup of Hot Apple Cider. There’s a lot of good content in there, and enough variety to suit whatever you want to read.
Feel free to enter the draw anyway, if you’d like a copy for a friend. And isn’t Ed an amazing promoter of his books? That’s a gift we can try to learn from.