Finding Inspiration Across the Pond
by Steph Beth Nickel
My European Adventure is scheduled for the last three weeks of September 2024. When this is posted, I will have completed two of those three weeks and will, hopefully, have a plethora of ideas to inspire my writing. (July 29, 2024)
Writers find inspiration everywhere. From a snippet of overheard conversation to an unusual name printed on a souvenir. From a randomly asked question to a humorous meme on social media. From a crumbling castle to an erupting volcano.

As writers, it’s important to make note of those things that inspire us, things we want to include in our writing—at least at some point.
Although she asked the question well over a decade ago, I will never forget an older friend of mine asking my son, who was wearing army boots at least three sizes too big for him, “Hey, boots, where are you taking that boy?” Absolutely priceless!
I think P. J. Bottoms would make the perfect name for a fictional middle grade student who solves mysteries. But since there’s a children’s book author by that name (a pseudonym, I presume), I may shelf the idea.
And my daughter’s answer to a long-forgotten question is the title of one of the picture books I’d like to publish.
While adventuring in Scotland, Ireland, and Iceland, I know I will have gained more ideas than I can possibly include in my writing.
Just how will I have captured at least some of those ideas?
Before I left—or maybe on the plane, winging my way across the Atlantic—using either my computer or pen and paper, I will have brainstormed possible writing projects I can complete in the future.
I purchased a Novel from Nothing journal that I may begin to fill in should a story begin to gel. Familiarizing myself with the contents of the journal before I leave will have given me ideas to mull over.
An empty journal and a stash of pens will likely have found their way into my luggage as well—for all those other ideas that are bound to bombard me in the best possible way.
At the time of writing this post, I hadn’t decided whether or not to take my digital camera with me or rely exclusively on my iPhone and camcorder, complete with eternal mic, to capture the landscape, the architecture, and the natural phenomena that will provide an abundance of writing inspiration.
Cameras. Physical or digital journals. Camcorders. Guided journals. The IOS Notes app. I will likely have used all of these to capture the countless things I won’t want to forget—things that may serve as inspiration for current and future writing projects.
While My European Adventure will be something I never forget and something that will fuel my writing for years to come, there will be inspiration all around no matter where I find myself. It’s important to keep my eyes, ears, and heart open during My Everyday Adventures as well.
Where do you find your writing inspiration and how to you ensure that you keep track of it?

As an editor, Steph Beth Nickel has the honour of coming alongside writers to help them polish their work. As the coauthor of Paralympian Deb Willows’s memoirs, Steph has been blessed to work with this amazing woman. And as a future self-published author, with the Lord’s help, Steph has taken brave steps toward publication.
If you would like more information about her services, you can contact her at
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Looking forward to hearing about your trip, Stephanie, and all the great ideas you’ve brought home!