Hot Apple Cider – the book – is a best-selling inspirational anthology, in the tradition of Chicken Soup for the Soul. It makes a terrific gift for someone in need of a little encouragement, or someone who simply enjoys reading a variety of stories written by “real” people. Watch for A Second Cup of Hot Apple Cider – coming on May 1, 2011. Both anthologies are published by That’s Life Communications.
Co-editor and contributor N.J. Lindquist writes:
Over 30,000 copies of Hot Apple Cider have gone out through World Vision’s Girls Night Out and Couples Night Out programs and another 15,000 have gone out through other means. We’re hoping for similar results with Hot Apple Cider 2.
Congratulations to everyone whose work was chosen for the book. While some of the contributors are veterans, others are being published for the very first time.
A. A. Adourian, Scarborough, Ontario
Brian C. Austin, Durham, Ontario
Paul M. Beckingham, Vancouver, British Columbia
Bonnie Beldan-Thomson, Pickering, Ontario
Glynis Belec, Drayton, Ontario
Mary Ann Benjamins, Brantford, Ontario
Vilma Blenman, Pickering, Ontario
Bill Bonikowsky, Surrey, British Columbia
Ann Brent, Brights Grove, Ontario
Connie Brummel Crook, Peterborough, Ontario
Marguerite Cummings, Toronto, Ontario
Kevin J. Dautremont, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
Donna Dawson/Fawcett, St. Marys, Ontario
Angelina Fast-Vlaar, St. Catharines, Ontario
Rosemary Flaaten, Calgary, Alberta
Ed Hird, Vancouver, British Columbia
Ron Hughes, Smithville, Ontario
Evangeline Inman, Fredericton, New Brunswick
David Kitz, Orleans, Ontario
Marcia Lee Laycock, Blackfalds, Alberta
N. J. Lindquist, Markham, Ontario
Les Lindquist, Markham, Ontario
Heather McGillivray, Chelmsford, Ontario
Heidi McLaughlin, Westbank, British Columbia
Ruth Smith Meyer, Ailsa Craig, Ontario
M. D. Meyer, Norway House, Manitoba
Wendy Elaine Nelles, Toronto, Ontario
Kimberley Payne, Millbrook, Ontario
Judi Peers, Peterborough, Ontario
Gloria V. Phillips, Collingwood, Ontario
Johanne E. Robertson, Toronto, Ontario
Denise Budd Rumble, St. Marys, Ontario
Jayne Self, Orangeville, Ontario
Adele Simmons, Whitby, Ontario
Janet Sketchley, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Jeannie Lockerbie Stephenson, London, Ontario
T. L. Wiens, Beechy, Saskatchewan
The official release date for the book is May 1, 2011, just in time for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Canada Day. [Information from the Hot Apple Cider website and the press release]
Congratulations for making the cut yourself! (No surprise, of course.)
So nice to see your name in this list, Janet! Congrats. I look forward to hearing more about the story, or reading it!