I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength to do his work. He considered me trustworthy and appointed me to serve him…
1 Timothy 1:12, NLT*
Jesus gives Paul the strength, and considers him trustworthy despite Paul’s past.
And the work is Jesus’ work, not Paul’s. Not mine. Not yours.
In Paul’s case, it’s high-profile, dangerous work. For most of us, it’s not. We’re parents, employees or employers, citizens, neighbours, friends, shoppers etc. It’s still more than we can handle in our own strength, and we need to rely on the strength and grace that God provides.
We’re Christ’s ambassadors, just like Paul.
If we keep the trust and conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel, relying on Jesus’ strength and leading, we’re doing His work of revealing God’s reality to those around us.
That’s a high calling indeed.
Holy One who saves us, You send us just as You sent Jesus, to let the world see that You are God—and You are good. Help us walk by faith, not by sight. Help us rely on Your strength, not our own, and to live for the sake of Your glory, not ours. Thank You for calling us to work with you in reaching the world.
When we find ourselves working in our own strength, we need songs like this one from Brian Doerksen: “Enter the Rest of God.”
*New Living Translation (NLT) Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
“Relying on Jesus’ strength and leading”… exactly my prayer this morning, Janet, that as I give up my own struggles to change and lean into His love, grace, mercy and power, He will bring about the changes I need while I rest and trust in Him.
It’s funny how the more we struggle, the less we change, and when we give up, God works. Blessings on you today, Mary!