Tag Archives: HopeStreamRadio

Keep an Eye Out (Guest Post)

Keep an Eye Out

By Steph Beth Nickel

Keep an eye out … it’s applicable advice in many areas of life.

This past week, when seeking to decide which two women to write about for my “Just Like Us” series of devotionals for HopeStreamRadio, the answer came in two different ways. I wrote about Eve because she was mentioned in the New Testament reading I did one day as part of my quiet time. I also wrote about Hannah. I had subscribed to a series of online devotionals. That particular morning the focus was on Hannah. While I approached my piece from a completely different perspective, I loved that I had kept an eye out.

And speaking of writing … You may have heard the terms “plotters” and “pantsers.” Plotters create a clear outline before they begin fleshing out their story. Some do so in extreme detail. Pantsers, on the other hand, sit down to write and see where their thoughts take them. Plotters must keep an eye out for good ideas they may not have considered at first, ideas that may make their work better. Pantsers must keep an eye out to see where their writing takes them but also to make sure that they don’t wander aimlessly—although that can be fun for a first draft.

This sounds a lot like life to me.

I’m reminded of Proverbs 16:9, which says, “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps” (ESV).

There are plenty of scripture passages that indicate it is wise to plan for the future, that we aren’t simply to “go with the flow,” as it were.

However …

We all know that life often throws us curve balls we weren’t expecting, even if we were keeping an eye out for them. The problem with focusing too intently is that we are likely to get preoccupied with the What Ifs that never come to pass.

We must prayerfully make our plans and plot our course. But we must always be mindful of what it says in Isaiah 55:8-9: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (ESV).

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways." Isaiah 55:8, ESV

In one sense we plot the course of our life, but in another, we are all pantsers. We must keep an eye out for what God is doing, for what He desires to accomplish in and through us. Along the path we will hit potholes, detours, forks in the road, and insurmountable obstacles. Thankfully, none of this takes Him by surprise.

And the path He leads us on will bring Him glory and will bless us and others. How that will happen is sometimes inconceivable, but let’s commit to keeping an eye out so we can recognize His fingerprints, which are, indeed, all over our life.


In one sense we plot the course of our life, but in another, we are all pantsers. (Click to tweet)

Let’s keep an eye out so we can recognize God’s fingerprints all over our life. (Click to tweet)

Steph Beth Nickel

Steph Beth Nickel
(Photo by Stephen G. Woo Photography)

Stephanie (Steph Beth) Nickel is an award-winning co-author, a freelance editor and writer, a labour doula, and a former personal trainer. She also loves to speak, teach, and take slice-of-life photos. She would love to connect with you on Facebook or Twitter, on her website or blog.

We Must Remain Teachable

"If I remain teachable -- if you remain teachable -- we will have so much to share with those the Lord brings into our lives." -Steph Beth NickelWe Must Remain Teachable, by Steph Beth Nickel

I can’t remember not being a Christian. I believe I went from a childish faith right into a childlike faith. And by now, with the dawn of my 55th year on the horizon, you’d think I would have it all together—or at least be well on the way.

I wish!

I have been working through Larry and Kathy Miller’s most recently released book, Never Ever Be the Same. And wow! Do I have a lot to learn! (I hope to read through it every six months or so and see what new things God will show me.)

And as I was going to sleep one night last week, worried about a hasty decision I’d made, the Lord gently reminded me that I couldn’t serve two masters. I didn’t even know I’d been serving money. But since I was giving our financial situation much too much thought, worrying about it, and trying to figure out how I could fix it, I had been. Oh my!

This wasn’t the first such revelation over the years. One day, quite some time ago, I asked God why I wasn’t happier about a wonderful event that had happened in my sister’s life, the fulfilment of her heart’s desire.  When I realized the self-centred, humbling answer to my inquiry, the Lord reminded me He knew about my motives all along and loved me regardless. Wow! Talk about grace!

Years ago, I asked God to “tear off the Band-Aid™,” as it were. I didn’t want to become aware of my sin bit by bit. I knew I could trust Him to bring the healing even though the process would often leave me raw and vulnerable.

As I dig into God’s Word in order to prepare devotionals for HopeStreamRadio, I am constantly amazed by two things. One, there are details in Bible passages I’ve read dozens, if not hundreds, of times before that I’ve never noticed. They pop right off the page like someone jumping up and down waving their arms. And two, peace and joy often wash over me when I read familiar truths I haven’t thought of in some time.

The Scriptures are not some old, irrelevant writings. And though the pages are filled with rich theological truths that we must diligently study, they are also so much more. They are a love letter written by the Creator of the universe to His children. And they are applicable to our situation today, right where we are. It’s truly amazing!

Just today I re-read the passage in Matthew 7:1-5 that refers to dealing with the plank in my own eye before seeking to help others with the speck in theirs. When I look into God’s Word, I must first learn what He is teaching me before I can share with others what He may want to teach them.

If I remain teachable—if you remain teachable—we will have so much to share with those the Lord brings into our lives.

And we must always remember that no matter how old we get, there is still so much to learn.

Be vulnerable. Be honest. Be teachable. And the Lord will surely bless others through you—through your writing and through your every endeavour.

What has God been teaching you lately?
[Leave your thoughts below!]

Photo of Steph Beth Nickel

Steph Beth Nickel
(Picture by Sarah Grace Photography)

Stephanie is a freelance writer and editor. She writes under the pen name Steph Beth Nickel. She co-authored Paralympian Deborah L. Willows’ memoir, Living Beyond My Circumstances. Among other places, it is available from Castle Quay Books and Amazon. Steph has been blogging since 2010 and is a regular guest on Kimberley Payne’s site (fitness tips) and Christian Editing Services (writing tips). She will also be writing and recording regularly for the newly-formed Hope Stream Radio. Stephanie is an active member of The Word Guild and InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship.

Steph invites you to pop by for a visit on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stephbethnickel or https://www.facebook.com/stephbnickel?ref=hl

You can also look her up on Twitter @StephBethNickel; her blog: http://stephseclecticinterests.wordpress.com; or her website (still a work in progress): http://stephbethnickel.com

Secrets and Lies Interview

Secrets and LiesRon Hughes from HopeStreamRadio interviewed me last month, and while it’s not archived on their site, I’ve posted it to mine. We talked about a few aspects of writing and about my novels, and I read an excerpt from Secrets and Lies. The interview is about ten minutes long, if you’d like to have a listen (just click the “play” triangle in the media player below).  And do check out HopeStreamRadio. They currently provide about two hours of content per day, which repeats throughout the day. There’s teaching, music, and a variety of interesting content (including author interviews!)

[Media player didn’t show up for you? Click here to listen to the interview.]

There’s Always Something New to Learn

There’s Always Something New to Learn, by Steph Beth Nickel

I have the privilege of writing and recording five devotionals for HopeStreamRadio each week. I have been working my way through the book of John, my favourite gospel. And although I’ve read it many times before, I am still amazed by new discoveries—and rediscoveries.

The following are among those things that stood out to me as I worked on the series I call “If You Love Me”:

I was reminded just how impetuous and impulsive Peter was—and how very much I’m like him.

I discovered a new depth to the fact that Mary Magdalene recognized the resurrected Jesus only after He spoke her name. He must speak to each of us personally before we will recognize the One standing before us.

The incredible fact that Jesus’ last act on His mother’s behalf was to meet her practical needs by commissioning John, the disciple He loved, to take her as his mother and care for her struck me in a powerful way.

Anyone who knows the story may very well be quick to judge Pilate harshly, and yet, as I studied the passage in greater depth, I realized just how much effort he put forward trying to set Jesus free. I saw the sign he had placed on Jesus’ cross as a final defiance of the chief priests. Upon their objections, he said, “What I have written, I have written.” He knew that Jesus was, indeed, the King of the Jews. (And no, this didn’t absolve him of his responsibility, but I found it very interesting.)

As I looked at the familiar passage in which the Jews demand that Barabbas, a thief, be released rather than Jesus, I realized too often I don’t choose Jesus. I choose busyness, family, leisure, and many other things instead. Are these things wrong in and of themselves? No. But I must carefully and honestly examine my motivation. Above all else, I must choose Jesus.

"Too often I don't choose Jesus. I choose busyness, family, leisure, and many other things instead."Although I knew it happened, I was taken aback by the sad irony of the fact that the religious leaders sought not only to kill Jesus but also Lazarus, whom He had raised from the dead. If they’d had eyes to see, they would have recognized that Lazarus could have pointed them to the One who was the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

I was again challenged by Lazarus’ sister’s extravagant love poured out when she anointed Jesus’ feet with perfume worth an entire year’s wages and wiped His feet with her hair. Do I love Him that extravagantly? Am I willing to pour out my greatest treasure as an expression of love for Him?

These are only a few of the realizations that “hit me upside the head.”

We must take time to dig into God’s Word. We must prayerfully consider what new insights the Lord wants to give us as we slow our hectic pace and listen, really listen, to the Living Word.

What new truths have you learned lately?
[Leave your thoughts below!]

Photo of Steph Beth Nickel

Steph Beth Nickel
(Picture by Sarah Grace Photography)

Stephanie is a freelance writer and editor. She writes under the pen name Steph Beth Nickel. She co-authored Paralympian Deborah L. Willows’ memoir, Living Beyond My Circumstances. Among other places, it is available from Castle Quay Books and Amazon. Steph has been blogging since 2010 and is a regular guest on Kimberley Payne’s site (fitness tips) and Christian Editing Services (writing tips). She will also be writing and recording regularly for the newly-formed Hope Stream Radio. Stephanie is an active member of The Word Guild and InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship

Steph invites you to pop by for a visit on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stephbethnickel or https://www.facebook.com/stephbnickel?ref=hl

You can also look her up on Twitter @StephBethNickel; her blog: http://stephseclecticinterests.wordpress.com; or her website (still a work in progress): http://stephbethnickel.com