It seems I’m not the only one thinking about tenacity lately (Wednesday’s post was The Tenacity of God). Here are five links worth following:
Mary Waind writes “If a tiny creature refuses to give up when he’s all but done for, Father, help me to seize the thing that’s come against me and fight in faith.” (Beech Croft Tales: Never Give Up)
Author Dan Walsh describes how we gain strength in the “wonderful exchange that happens whenever God’s children turn to Him in times of trouble, instead of turning to other things.” (Dan Walsh Books: The God Who is There)
Reba J. Hoffman reminds us that “Sometimes I won’t see His plan but when I can’t see His hand, I can trust His heart.” (Magellan Life Coaching: When You Can’t See His Hand, Trust His Heart)
Jenny Svetec looks at some of the hardships we face and gives us this encouragement: “Cheer Up, Jesus says. I have overcome and so will you.” ( Jael’s Peg: Look Again)
And Marcia Lee Laycock shares some ideas to strengthen the perseverance of those of us who write. (Writer-lee: Of Muse Jars and Other Essential Things)
I love when we’re on the same track, Janet!
So neat how God speaks the same theme to a bunch of us.