Follow the Gifts of Good Words Blog Hop taking place from November 4-18, 2020, and find quality Canadian Christian books for those on your Christmas list! Then on November 18th, join the Good Words Virtual Book Fair on Facebook (click here).
Who doesn’t need a little extra encouragement this December, after the year we’ve had? Yes, there’s been good as well as the bad, but many of us are a little weary.
Give yourself an early Christmas present! Or give one to a friend.
Tenacity at Christmas is a collection of short, conversational daily devotions for the month of December (hence the “early gift”).
Funny enough, I’ve been working on this little book since releasing the 365-day devotional book A Year of Tenacity back in 2017. Originally this was going to be a free ebook with 7 entries. Then it grew to 12. Now it’s 31.
And did you ever have a project come together so easily it stunned you? That’s this book for me, this year. Even the formatting, which I do myself and which usually leaves me pulling my hair. It took more than one try but far less than the 17-plus my other books need.
I feel like God gave me a bit of extra grace in the writing, finishing, and releasing this one. Not that I’m claiming it has any “special anointing” content-wise! But this is a year when we need extra sources of encouragement. From that perspective, here’s one more resource.

The ebook simply contains the daily devotions. The print version also includes daily guided prayer journal pages. For more about Tenacity at Christmas, click here.
Looking for other books? I’d be remiss if I didn’t let you know about my mystery-suspense fiction and my reader’s journals. Here’s a picture, but you can also find them through the tabs at the top of this page: Green Dory Inn Mysteries, Redemption’s Edge series, and Non-fiction.

Please check out books by my fellow Canadian Christian authors!
- Wednesday, November 4—Ruth L. Snyder
- Thursday, November 5—Eunice Matchett
- Friday, November 6—Grace Wulff
- Saturday, November 7—Tandy Balson
- Sunday, November 8—LD Stauth
- Monday, November 9—Sally Meadows
- Tuesday, November 10—Janet Sketchley
- Thursday, November 12—Marcia Laycock
- Friday, November 13—Ruth Meyer (on Facebook) https://www.facebook.com/events/3376193032494045
- Saturday, November 14—Laurie Haughton
- Sunday, November 15—Carolyn Wilker
- Monday, November 16—Janis Cox
- Tuesday, November 17—Lynn Collier https://lynnecollier.com
- Wednesday, November 18—Barrie Doyle https://barriedoyle.com/
Going to Amazon now to order. 🙂
Praying it encourages you, Marcia, as your devotionals have encouraged me.